Can anyone give advice on why my truck wont start. It turns over fine fired once but now won't start. It has got an apollo immobiliser, I don't know if this will delay starting if it is repeatedly tried. It is going for a full service on Saturday but I could do with starting it first. It has always started first time every time, There is a full charge in the battery. Never owed a diesel before so I don't really know much about these being new to the surf. Please ehlp before my wife starts moaning as I have blocked her car in
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truck wont start
Originally posted by Wardy View PostCan anyone give advice on why my truck wont start. It turns over fine fired once but now won't start. It has got an apollo immobiliser, I don't know if this will delay starting if it is repeatedly tried. It is going for a full service on Saturday but I could do with starting it first. It has always started first time every time, There is a full charge in the battery. Never owed a diesel before so I don't really know much about these being new to the surf. Please ehlp before my wife starts moaning as I have blocked her car inMy Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!
It fired once but I think I stopped cranking the engine too soon. After that it wouldn't start. Not much time to look at this morning as I had to get my bike out to ride to work. 10 miles on a push bike first thing in the morning is not good!!
Having a look when I finish work. Hopefully it will start when I get home
I would say that the glowplugs could be the cause of it.A few of us have had the same problem this year when the cold weather set in.Clean up the battery terminals and connections and all the earth leads.Takle them off and give a good clean up so theres a decent connection and change the filters.
Originally posted by che2318 View Posttill it goes out, given the accelrator a pump or two when its starting?
did you say it actually started and then cut off once started?
Try and cycle the plugs a couple of times before cranking.Alan
yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."
I have tried charghing the batteryon the passenger side. Waiting for the click and the beep. Still no joy. I am taking the battery off the drivers side to see if that will help. It is annoying as it worked fine until yesterday morning. I need to start it to get it to the garage for a full servie
From turning the key to on till the "click" is 15 seconds on mine, full turn to cranking starts it up, always.
If the battery isn't up to cranking properly at this stage I then have to remove the key and use the immobiliser again before a second attempt, which is when I add my jumper battery as I know it'll not crank till I do, though this is only when its extremely cold and usually after a day of very short runs that have drained the onboard batts. Hazo
Somebody on another site has said it could be the 80amp fuse for the glow plugs. Is this common? Has any one else had this problem? Please let me know if it is an easy job. My wife has already started to moan. She has said I am always buying CRAP. Can somebody please help just toshut her up
Originally posted by Hazzo View PostFrom turning the key to on till the "click" is 15 seconds on mine, full turn to cranking starts it up, always.
If the battery isn't up to cranking properly at this stage I then have to remove the key and use the immobiliser again before a second attempt, which is when I add my jumper battery as I know it'll not crank till I do, though this is only when its extremely cold and usually after a day of very short runs that have drained the onboard batts. Hazo
my one clicks pretty much as soon as the light goes out.My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!
yep,the fuse normally blows when people have been messing around with the glow plugs and refit the isolating blocks back to front,the 80 amp fuse is located under the bonnet,offside inner wing under the black plastic cover,you will see if its blown because it has a clear plastic top,to remove fuse you need to dismantle the fuse box and unbolt the fuse from underneath.dont try pulling it out from the top with a pair of pliers,it will only break off and chances are you will break the fuse holder aswell.if its not the fuse then listen to see if the glow plug relay is clicking in when you turn the ignition on,this is located on the nearside inner wing.behind the air filter housing.if its not clicking then chances are your immobiliser is playing up,also whilst your under the fuse cover check the ecu main fuses havnt blown as well.
Last edited by surfenstein; 3 March 2010,