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Port Stanley .... maybe?

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  • #16
    Hmm ........ Dont really think it would come to crossed swords again (and would have thought that it wouldn't be exactly feasible for us at the minute with the current ops tempo but there are ways and means!), probably just more sabre rattling to get a better deal for the Argies but saying that you never know when it comes to oil and fishing rights.

    Someone posted earlier about giving the Falklands back ... back to whom...the penguins? It was a disputed territory for god knows how long before and between as many nations.
    The Argentineans invaded (to try and give a bit of a propaganda victory to a weak leader (which kinda backfired but did keep Maggie in office.....)), when the British flag was flying and the folk there are more than happy to have British passports and dont think they would give them up willingly.

    Right enough about the place though but good sea trout fishing!
    The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


    • #17
      It was me who said give it back, and of course I meant to Argentina. I know its been a disputed territory for about 400 years , but look at who was disputing it. Spanish, French, British,all geographically a long way away. At some point Im sure it will become part of Argentina and when that time comes the inhabitants will have to live with it. I know that members of our armed forces died protecting it in 1982, but handing it back to Argentina at some point doesnt tarnish their memory or make their efforts worthless. Times change, the world moves on and bones of soldiers who fought for causes which time either altered or made irrelevant are scattered all over it.

      Сви можемо


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bogus View Post
        It was me who said give it back, and of course I meant to Argentina. I know its been a disputed territory for about 400 years , but look at who was disputing it. Spanish, French, British,all geographically a long way away. At some point Im sure it will become part of Argentina and when that time comes the inhabitants will have to live with it. I know that members of our armed forces died protecting it in 1982, but handing it back to Argentina at some point doesnt tarnish their memory or make their efforts worthless. Times change, the world moves on and bones of soldiers who fought for causes which time either altered or made irrelevant are scattered all over it.

        well that would mean every little island and place owned by every country would be given back to the nearest geographical place. Not really plausible.

        its about who lives there and what their wishes are.
        My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!


        • #19
          FXXX all country, borders, governments, race, economy’s, ownership, non ownership, patriotism, left, right, ego’s and what ever else I’ve missed out!

          We all need to give everything back and forgive all to go forward, learn from the past but no, lets all just get caught up in some fat over feed arse we vote for cause they tell us it’s our right to vote for them politician on an Alexander the Great ego trip, We Fxxx our self’s!!!

          Sorry but that is what what I think

          Not like I care but when can we here living in the Western Isles have our Islands back from the Scottish Government nevermind the English Government. Prince Charles is the lord of the Isles! It's all A+ crap.
          Last edited by Mrbill; 25 February 2010, 12:49.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Bogus View Post
            It was me who said give it back, and of course I meant to Argentina. I know its been a disputed territory for about 400 years , but look at who was disputing it. Spanish, French, British,all geographically a long way away. At some point Im sure it will become part of Argentina and when that time comes the inhabitants will have to live with it. I know that members of our armed forces died protecting it in 1982, but handing it back to Argentina at some point doesnt tarnish their memory or make their efforts worthless. Times change, the world moves on and bones of soldiers who fought for causes which time either altered or made irrelevant are scattered all over it.

            Fair enough..and you made a very valid point about the world moving on, but the point which i was trying to make (perhaps not very well!), is that the Islanders are 'Currently' British so what happens to them is our responsibility as a nation no matter how far away they are, or whom is proposing to 'potentially' disrupt their commerce / quality of life (anyone that has ever lived on an Island when shipping is disrupted will know what i mean), or re-patronise their lands (to whoever thought it was theirs in the first place (the one with the biggest stick at whatever time).

            That said if someone was to come along to take it off us (i would have thought it would be hotly disputed because of the fishing rights and now the oil), and if we did lose it well i guess it would change hands as mentioned before whoever has the bigger stick at the time, however i cant really see Argentina taking us on as a nation again (yes we are a bit thin on the ground but with a lot better training and equipment than we did before), as we (i would hope), receive backup from other nations to protect vested interests in the area (as that made re-taking the Islands in the 80's possible).

            If the Islanders wanted to be well ........whatever...... frankly thats fine by me but in a hypothetical situation they should get the help if they want it.
            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


            • #21
              I have to say the Islands are much more prepared and have a much better defence capability,only just completed rapier live fire training again and the crews scored well ! The Air Bridge is on standby and the tanker fleet is better than the old Victor fleet so a C17 could easily double the size of the garrison literally over night, not like being stuck on the Atlantic conveyor for a week or so !!
              Death rides a Black Horse


              • #22
                Bit better than when my brother was there then! ..............was looking at maybe where to go next this year and got about half way through the word Falklands to the other half......well thats as far as that conversation went lol
                The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                • #23

                  It'll Never Happen.


                  • #24
                    how about keeping the Falklands and making north of the border independant
                    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by fatfires View Post
                      how about keeping the Falklands and making north of the border independant
                      So long as we (The Scots) get to keep all the whisky export revenue and of course the north sea oil. I'd be more than happy with that. Of course we would have to post a new welcome sign for tourists from continental Europe.

                      "Welcome to Scotland, sorry for all the sh*t you had to drive through to get here."

                      British by birth, Scottish by the grace of God.

                      ........ and of course Fatfires, the people from your neck of the woods, being the only truly native people left in England would be more closely related to the Scots than the English.
                      En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                      • #26
                        [quote=Surfer Ross;620319]So long as we (The Scots) get to keep all the whisky export revenue and of course the north sea oil. I'd be more than happy with that. Of course we would have to post a new welcome sign for tourists from continental Europe.

                        "Welcome to Scotland, sorry for all the sh*t you had to drive through to get here."

                        British by birth, Scottish by the grace of God.

                        ........ and of course Fatfires, the people from your neck of the woods, being the only truly native people left in England would be more closely related to the Scots than the English.[/quote]
                        I thought that was us Cornish not the ruddy emmets over the border in Devon


                        • #27
                          Hehe, a lot of the fine folks from Cornwall have managed to infiltrate to the area just over the Tamar though mate.
                          En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                          • #28
                            I came to this part of the country as a missionary ...to bring education to the natives, and have ocaisionally worked over the tamar - managed to dodge the spears and the cornish do have things like pasties going in their favor!
                            However methinks our northern celtic folks need to look again at the ballance sheet, whiskey duty and oil revinue would not fund you as much as westminster does now....mind you I would agree in a flash if you took the scotish tw@t at present residing in downing street and his countrymen cronies back as well
                            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                            • #29
                              He was discommunicated years ago. You can keep him. He's Scottish by virtue of a birth certificate and NOTHING else.

                              A discussion for another thread but you make it sound as though the English taxpayer is funding the entire kingdom. Of course we all know that this is utter bo**ocks. Its actually quite amusing. If it hadn't already have been sold out by your Westminster government, Scotland would be the richest country in Europe, purely off the back of its oil revenue and nothing else. I don't know about you but I could handle living like a Kuwati.
                              En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                              • #30
                                Scotland-England -same place. I am sure at some point in the future there will be no Falklands, Scotland or England. The below points are a little hard in places but it is nearly there Time to move on maybe? #12 sticks in my throat a little but the growing population is a problem.

                                1. Conserving all the world's resources as the common heritage of all of the Earth’s people.

                                2. Transcending all of the artificial boundaries that separate people.

                                3. Evolving from a monetary-based economy to a resource-based world economy.

                                4. Reclaiming and restoring the natural environment to the best of our ability.

                                5. Redesigning our cities, transportation systems, and agricultural and industrial plants so that they are energy efficient, clean, and conveniently serve the needs of all people.

                                6. Evolving towards a cybernated society that can gradually outgrow the need for all political local, national, and supra-national governments as a means of social management.

                                7. Sharing and applying all of the new technologies for the benefit of all nations.

                                8. Using clean, renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, and tidal power, etc.

                                9. Ultimately utilizing the highest quality products for the benefit of all the world’s people.

                                10. Requiring environmental impact studies prior to construction of any mega-projects.

                                11. Encouraging the widest range of creativity and incentive toward constructive endeavor.

                                12. Assisting in stabilizing the world’s population through education and voluntary birth-control to conform to the carrying capacity of the earth.

                                13. Outgrowing nationalism, bigotry and prejudice through education.

                                14. Eliminating any type of elitism, technical or otherwise.

                                15. Arriving at methodologies by careful research rather than random opinions.

                                16. Enhancing communication in the new schools so that our language and education is relevant to the physical conditions of the world around us.

                                17. Providing not only the necessities of life but also offering challenges that stimulate the mind, emphasizing individuality rather than uniformity.

                                18. Finally, preparing people intellectually and emotionally for the possible changes that lie ahead.

