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Auto Gearbox addatives

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  • Auto Gearbox addatives

    Hi all
    Well the trucks now fully serviced and the blank spot is still there, so if it the start of gear box wear, should i be considering some sort of additive to the auto oil/box.
    Has anyone used any, if so, what brand, how effective, any noticable difference after adding it.
    Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO

  • #2
    I've not heard of anyone having a problem with the autobox on a surf. Did they do the ATF when they serviced it?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
      I've not heard of anyone having a problem with the autobox on a surf. Did they do the ATF when they serviced it?
      Hi Sanch

      I did a ATF change myself about a month or so ago. However, I was unable to get the wheels off the ground to do a two bucket method change, and ive heard some horror stories on the quantities involved in doing a two bucket change.
      My reasoning at the time was at least it would have a two thirds change of ATF and was better than none at all. It has been my intention to do it again but the weathers not been so clever here lately.
      I would point out though, this mysterious blank spot wasnt present before the atf change, (used dex2).
      A friend of mine suggested it maybe the auto clutches wearing with age, any thoughts ??

      Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO


      • #4
        Could be wearing with age I guess, afterall none of us know how the surfs were treated before coming to the uk and even then we don't always know how well they have been looked after until we get them, it seems strange though that it only started after you did the change so the first question would be how did you measure the ATF, please don't say you just poured it in and pulled the dip stick a couple of times .
        As for additives, well, personally I would'nt bother, even if (miracle upon miracles) the additive worked it would only be prolonging the inevitable, if something is wrong then it needs fixing/replacing.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shalershasker View Post
          Could be wearing with age I guess, afterall none of us know how the surfs were treated before coming to the uk and even then we don't always know how well they have been looked after until we get them, it seems strange though that it only started after you did the change so the first question would be how did you measure the ATF, please don't say you just poured it in and pulled the dip stick a couple of times .
          As for additives, well, personally I would'nt bother, even if (miracle upon miracles) the additive worked it would only be prolonging the inevitable, if something is wrong then it needs fixing/replacing.
          Hi i
          n answer to how did i measure, well sort of by the dip stick, but only after measuring how muck came out, i then ran it thru the gears (with sufficient atf) checking the level every 1/2 litre or so till i got the dip stick level bang on. Still is btw, so im not losing any.
          As to prolonging the inevitable, thts precisely my aim, as a rebuild would be economically out of the question, id hate to think what the costs are,
          Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO


          • #6
            It would probably be cheaper to fit a replacement from old stormy weather , no doubt the knowledgable ones will be along in a bit to help.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shalershasker View Post
              It would probably be cheaper to fit a replacement from old stormy weather , no doubt the knowledgable ones will be along in a bit to help.
              I appreciate your suggeston, but as i infered, the cost of a box, labour (and finding somone to do it) would prob be out of the question, as at home at the mo, "The Credit Crunch" is like a daily breakfast cerial.
              Dont get me wrong, it seems (so im told) be changing gears fine, running well for its age ( bar a bit fuel hungry,or is it fuel costs more). Im just a little concerned that when i start towing again from easter that if this is a sign of somthing, its going to fail on me half way up a hill.
              Surf K Reg LN130 2.4 AUTO


              • #8
                The two bucket method is fine, but it doesn't get all the old fluid out.
                The only really good method is to take it to an auto box specialist. They should have a machine that performs a sort of box dialysis. It pumps new in whilst clearing out the old. It is quote expensive though.
                Non intercooled nothing.

