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  • Newbie

    Hi everyone. Ive just become the new owner of a Black Toyota Hilux Surf. I've been a member of a few different forums and find them very useful in the past. I'm sure i'm going to have lots of questions over the next few weeks as i'm new to 4x4's and im unsure how and when you use four wheel drive. Anyway, thanks for looking at my post.
    Black 1995 3.0TD SSX-R Hilux Surf

  • #2
    Hi and welcome mate, for the moment the advise would be NOT to engage your 4wd on solid ground (tarmac etc), need to know a few more details about your truck before we can advise properly.


    • #3
      Welcome, this is the place for questions. Some of them may even get answered, who knows


      • #4
        hello and welcome


        • #5
          Hello guvnor...I'm bear you
          Non intercooled nothing.


          • #6
            Hello and welcome, put your vehicle details under your name, easier to answer specific Q's that way.

            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hiluxsmurf View Post
              Hi everyone. Ive just become the new owner of a Black Toyota Hilux Surf. I've been a member of a few different forums and find them very useful in the past. I'm sure i'm going to have lots of questions over the next few weeks as i'm new to 4x4's and im unsure how and when you use four wheel drive. Anyway, thanks for looking at my post.
              Hi and welcome to the mad house
              Have a good look round the forum and if you can't find what your looking for ask away.

              Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
              Hello guvnor...I'm bear you
              I think you have fat finger syndrome again
              I'm a custard donut monster


              • #8
                Hi an welcome
                How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jotto View Post
                  Hi and welcome to the mad house
                  Have a good look round the forum and if you can't find what your looking for ask away.

                  I think you have fat finger syndrome again

                  What bakes hew say hat? :-)

                  (and me smilies have packed up too)
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #10
                    I think you have fat finger syndrome again[/QUOTE]

                    Not an easy one to diagnose, the symptons are often similar to fat head syndrome

                    Сви можемо


                    • #11
                      Thanks for all the replys. Im busy with work ect at the moment so i haven't had a chance to drive the beast yet. I'm sure once i do i'll have loads of question.
                      Black 1995 3.0TD SSX-R Hilux Surf

