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help needed **urgent**

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  • help needed **urgent**

    hi guys i need your help (again)

    got a fuel leak that seems to be coming from the pump only seems to leak when cold i have checked all hoses etc and they seem fine even replaced the dodgy clips with jubilees but still leaking

    is there anyone in the bury manchester area that could help me identify where the leak is coming from (i can drive to you if not to far)

    i know i can swap the seals out but not sure im confident enough to do so
    can i put ATF fluid in for now to plump the seals if so how much i have an empty take at the moment so now would be a good time to add if needed?

    any help would be really appreciated as if this is going to cost loads i fear i will have to get rid of my beloved truck and settle with a "normal" car as the last couple of garage bills have been expensive the last being new rad and the missus is starting to get fed up with it

    hope someone can help

    truck is a k reg 2.4 auto diesel
    cheers jon
    Last edited by BAV1; 18 February 2010, 14:08.

  • #2
    are you runing on a veggie mix ?


    • #3
      get some talcum powder and throw some of that round it that should show you where it is coming from. the trouble with any leak is that it gets blown around and so hard to see where it is coming from but the talc should show it up


      • #4
        If its not all over the top of the pump i would say its probably the bottom seal (if running on dino fuel) which is a bit harder to change but ere you go ...what i do if im not confident on something (a lot! but just get to mess it up myself now ) is to get the seals (or whatever), print off the how to http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/fuelpump.htmand hand it to them at the garage (they cant say they dont know how to work on it..get the quote ..might be a bit embarrassing if they did and havent really got an excuse for messing it up as they have it right in front of them...)
        The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


        • #5


          • #6
            Ta got sausage fingers today
            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


            • #7
              thanks for the replies guys the top ofthe pump seems to be dry

              im not running any veggie mix

              will try the talk thing

              heard ATF fluid will plump up the seals any thoughts on this?

              http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/fuelpump.htmand (doesnt work)

              http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/fuelpump.htm (have read this but doesnt seem to be the right engine also didnt really want to interfer with the coolant system as ive only just got this sorted with new rad etc)

              now thiniking of degreasing the engine and spraying down to see if that helps

              problem is progress is slow as it only seems to do it during first start up in the morning.

              is there anyone this way that has worked on teh fuel pump before and could give me a quote as i simply dont trust the garages

              i am pretty technical but donbt waont to take the risk myself need a proper trustworthy mechanic that has worked on this alot

              cheers guys
              Last edited by BAV1; 18 February 2010, 14:43.


              • #8
                Slightly off subject but it can help to put in your profile your truck details so when asking for help folks will try to find the right guide.

                Cannot help sorry



                • #9
                  cheers Mark been meaning to do that

                  now changed.


                  • #10
                    Sorry not sure about how much it would cost ...definitely going to get done for a few hours tho and (used to be about 35 GBP an hour or so dependant on where you are and if the garage has a plant pot and couch!). .... tried TonyN or try him on the 4x4 toys website? (phone number is on there i think or will prob be around later and may be able to give you and idea about costs)
                    The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                    • #11
                      Ya could try here...

                      Good Luck
                      Buncefield Burner


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
                        Hey Jess I get an insurance advert when I click this ?? ......edit..... the above link changes as the page is refreshed so hit or miss as to getting the link right

                        http://www.4x4toys.co.uk/ should help
                        Last edited by madcampbell; 18 February 2010, 15:19.


                        • #13
                          tried stevo and he says £650 for new genuine pump fitted obviously this didnt go down well with the missus so im gunna have to exhaust everything else first

                          just need a through write up for my engine or somone local who can supervise lol

                          starting to get desperate now lol


                          • #14
                            Try Stormforce or one of the other breakers as they may be able to sort it out a fair bit cheaper then there is just the labour ?

                            or could try giving giving the OP http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...ad.php?t=60872 a shout as he seems to have got his pump sorted out and learned a fair bit about it in the process?
                            Last edited by wiggy; 18 February 2010, 15:35.
                            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                            • #15
                              does anyone know about adding atf to the fuel to plump up the seals to give me some breathing room to get this sorted properly without jumping into big mech costs are there any adverse affects to this

                              think the trunk as at the age i need to invest in some decent toolsand a haynes manual are there any pdf versions about form my model

