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  • Ebay

    See item 250575224081 Hope Paul doesn't mind me saying that apart from what he has listed, the injectors are uprated ones and the starter had new ever what it is, that goes inside, done by our beloved Tony. I am a bit biased, as was my car. I can say it starts on the button, first time, whatever the temp outside. Also was sold to me as having been chipped or whatever they do to diesels. It is a brilliant car and i am in Mourning at present. I used to look forward to going outside and getting in the car and now, can't say same for Passat Estate. Also there forum is C**p, compared to this one. Here when you ask a question, you get loads of replies. There, your lucky if you get one. On my first tank full of petrol in the Passat 2ltr estate, i only averaged 23 to gallon, although 90% was in London.
    One reason for selling car was that at some time soon, my Wolfhound would not be able to jump up in the back, so if there is any designers out there, who could design a foldable walk way, non slip and univeral for all 4x4's let me know.
    Regards to all a depressed Philip
    Still Searching,
    Dick Whittington

  • #2
    Ages ago the kennels came to pick up one of our dogs prior to holidays and he wouldnt go in the back of the landrover (good taste!) and they used something like this...http://www.dogramp.com/
    The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


    • #3
      You need to go and get yourself a 4x4 phillip
      I'm sure you would work something out with the dog.
      TBH I would rather lift the dog in the Surf than drive a Passat
      Have you spoke to the missus today? she ain't coming home mate, we're snowed in!
      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #4
        Thanks Phillip - very sad to have to sell it, but the wife hates it , so it's got to go (the truck that is, not the wife).


        • #5
          Wrong Descision!!!
          Still Searching,
          Dick Whittington


          • #6
            i have a folding dog ramp i used to get my St bernard in to the back of the lifted surf yours for £50 plus postage or you can collect it if you want. it has legs so its not a steep slope i will take some pics if your interested in it.
            Last edited by hiroler; 6 February 2010, 12:49.


            • #7
              Thanks a lot for the offer and as much as i would like to buy my 4Runner back, i don't think i can, so stuck with Passat for a while. It still has 5 days to go on Ebay, so you never know and as much as Paul is a really nice guy, would only buy back for less than i sold it!!!!!
              Sorry Paul.
              Still Searching,
              Dick Whittington


              • #8
                Thanks for the generous offer!


                • #9
                  Been watching that too, nice truck. Should go for well north of 3K by the look of it!
                  Surf if you got a wave. Wave if you got a Surf.™


                  • #10
                    No need to rub it in, but at least money going to nice guy.
                    Still Searching,
                    Dick Whittington

