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Stansted Airport Parking

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  • #16
    Originally posted by rbaz View Post
    Unless somebody lives right next door wouldn't want to put them out for the sake of £20
    i know theres a few members in Portsmouth so would be worth asking and at least you can have a decent cuppa a rest before heading back


    • #17
      Originally posted by stormforce View Post
      i know theres a few members in Portsmouth so would be worth asking and at least you can have a decent cuppa a rest before heading back
      Thanks but think i will be going from Folkstone (keep costs down) and very early morning.


      • #18
        When you get to the Stansted airport turning from the M11 take the next exit signed Takely, drive for about 3 miles and you come to a crossroads with traffic lights, turn right and go over the bridge, on your left is a mobile home park, my wifes inlaws live there, plenty of parking and pretty safe. About a mile and a half to the airport. turn left out of the site and keep going straight, eventually the terminal appears in front of you. One of our old houses was where the new terminal is. Could ask the inlaws to keep an eye on it if you want.


        • #19
          try bishop stortford football ground, secure parking, and transport to the airport, 5 mins, not sure of rates couple of years since used them
          15 years in shiny club, lovely


          • #20
            Hotels sometimes have deals that better the local airport rates.

            But if leaving your vehicle unattended anywhere for a few days clear everything of value out of it (or out of sight). Including GPS mounts even if the GPS is missing the mount can attract unwanted attraction. (I had mine recently broken into nothing taken thou).

            Back in the day Baby


            • #21
              Thanks for the info and offer's guys
              Will try and work things out but if the parking is secure that may be the best option for the sake of £20 wouldn't want to lose it just after I get it.


              • #22
                Comes out at £14 on here for the official long stay car park Rich.

                If you look at my thread in the Electrical section, you'll see that I nearly saved you £20 by blowing the ###### thing up. Spent 5 hours chasing an electrical gremlin that could have been sorted in 30 secs. All is well now though. I'll be sad to see her go.
                En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Surfer Ross View Post
                  Comes out at £14 on here for the official long stay car park Rich.

                  If you look at my thread in the Electrical section, you'll see that I nearly saved you £20 by blowing the ###### thing up. Spent 5 hours chasing an electrical gremlin that could have been sorted in 30 secs. All is well now though. I'll be sad to see her go.
                  didn't see that glad it was nothing serious. Odd for a fuse to go that way.
                  The flight times mean its just over 2 days by a couple of hours so they charge for 3 days


                  • #24
                    Its not that odd for a fuse to go when you pull the old fog switch straight off its wiring. At 10.30pm the other night it made for a marvellous bright blue light show inside the truck, I can tell you
                    En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Surfer Ross View Post
                      Its not that odd for a fuse to go when you pull the old fog switch straight off its wiring. At 10.30pm the other night it made for a marvellous bright blue light show inside the truck, I can tell you
                      dont burn it out I haven't paid you for it yet


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by rbaz View Post
                        dont burn it out I haven't paid you for it yet
                        Oh, Aye. I've got this all a*se about face today
                        En Ferus Hostis. Be your own man. Follow nobody.


                        • #27
                          Had i known sooner Im sure my govner would of helped im off to Paris in the mornin by eurostar to fetch my van back which has been there for 3 months...
                          Im not a gynacologist but ill have a look

