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    My Truck passed its MOT today after being stood in an airport carpark since 2007, my Wife Karen Bless her little wooly boots, bought it me for valentines day, Feb 09, after almost twelve months of on and off blood, sweat and tears,(a few quid), and much help from all the guys that have answered most of my stupid questions.
    I dont think i could of done it without reading lots of threads and asking questions as the Hynes manual i have is useless.
    Next will be doors and tailgate, i just need to save more cash first lol.
    OH am I going to have some fun this weekend yipeeeee

  • #2
    Originally posted by Paul G View Post
    My Truck passed its MOT today after being stood in an airport carpark since 2007, my Wife Karen Bless her little wooly boots, bought it me for valentines day, Feb 09, after almost twelve months of on and off blood, sweat and tears,(a few quid), and much help from all the guys that have answered most of my stupid questions.
    I dont think i could of done it without reading lots of threads and asking questions as the Hynes manual i have is useless.
    Next will be doors and tailgate, i just need to save more cash first lol.
    OH am I going to have some fun this weekend yipeeeee
    If you can afford to pay for 3 years parking in an airport money shouldn't be an issue for you


    • #3
      It's free parking at sumburgh airport rBaz, but yeah the guy my wife bought the Truck off would of owed thousands if it was somwhere like manchester airport


      • #4
        Good for you! I know how it feels - my 2.4 sat with a blown head for a year while I saved up to get it all done. These trucks don't seem to mind sitting around they are very well built. (apart from the heads )



        • #5
          It feels ace Rob mate, I just can't wait to get it up the hills at the weekend, Paul


          • #6
            I just got rid of my 2.4 today after it being sat around almost 2 years. Whenever I checked it over all that it needed was a jump and it started on the button every time. Sad to see it go to be honest.
            Oh Nana, what's my name?

