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  • Hello

    Hi Guys,

    just got my second 2.4 ssrx and have been having a few problems with it so thought I'd take a look on your site, usual problem, over heating. Love your website, everyone sounds really helpful and i felt compleld to sign up. So I'm not going to bother you all with my overheating problems but will post any of the fixes i find out about on my path to fixing it.


  • #2
    Hi there!

    I shouldn't worry too much about asking questions. Everybody is really helpful here. At least, the folks that seem to know what they're talking about are really helpful anyway - I tend to keep shtum about techie stuff cos as the saying goes "it's better to stay quiet and seem like a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"!

    Looking forward to hearing your fixes - hopefully I'll learn something!

    I had a new cylinder head fitted a month or two ago. £500 from http://www.roughtrax4x4.com/ and £200 for a local garage to strip the old engine and fit it (plus new gaskets, belts, etc). Works just fine now and been an absolute hoot to drive in the recent snow.


    • #3
      Hi and welcome ...dont worry about posting questions..........should see some of the ones i have put up over the years lol
      The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


      • #4
        I'll happaily share my problems, i got the van 2 months ago and it was fine, been stood for a year and i got it for £800, it ran fine, is a very tidy example and tows the boat just fine, about a month ago, not towing anything it boiled over going up hill at a rate of knotes, got home dropped the rad out and it was full of crap , big time, the heating had stopped working, so put a new rad in and it all worked fine, or so i thought, went up the same hill and this time it got hot but didn't boil over, now i can drive it normally everywhere and it's fine, just when working it hard it goes near the red so thinking it's the head, as pump ect is all fine, but befor i change it I'm going to de scale the cooling system, cheak all the pipes, ect. I've pressure tested it and i doesn't leak, some people say it's the head some say not and most just scratch there heads as it's not acting like a cracked head, but still gets hot....................

        very strange


        • #5
          try an auxillary ATF (auto trans fluid) cooler if you're towing.... might just do the trick...

          if you've got the old rad, you could probably just cut the old atf cooler off the bottom of that!... bodge it on somehow and see how it goes!
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            If its getting hot through cooling sytem problems, it dosn't often lose water unless you let it get hot enough to boil over, ie.. if you can get it hot under load, then cools as you back off, then check it later and coolant level is OK

            If its the head, it'll lose water without overheating, then overheats because you've run out.
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

