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Insurance -What a PITA!

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  • Insurance -What a PITA!

    I seldom post, but after 2 days of ringing around for insurance I need a minor vent.

    I bought my Surf ('94 3.0 TD) last Jan and after a few calls I managed to insure through Direct Line for £330. At time I was still on my Canadian driver's license, and Direct Line honoured what would effectively be my Canadian no-claims bonus as I could provide a letter from my insurer showing no claims for the last 7 years (as far as their records go -although I've been driving since 1987 with no incidents).

    I was happy too when the gave us a multi-car discount when I insured my Honda Civic with them a couple of weeks later.

    Well our renewal notices have arrived and they've jacked our rates up nearly 50%!! My Hilux is quoted at £479 and they say they can't do anything on the price, despite the fact that they stand to lose out on renewals for 2 cars this month.

    So I've been ringing around and surfing websites looking for new quotes, trying to get close to what I had last year. I've made probably a dozen or so calls now and at least as many websites. I checked with providers recommended on this site including Adrian Flux who quoted me > £3000! No that's not an extra zero on there.

    I got onto Tesco's site after reading oen thread here, and things were looking pretty good. When I searched my reg though it came back as a Landcruiser, but with the right 3L motor and Auto trans at least. The price came back at £275! Bargain! I'll just ring them up and get the model changed to a Surf. Now the price is £425 because I don't get the online discount! Can they fix the model in the system so when I go back to m online quote I can enter it properly? Nope...

    Why is it that this vehicle doesn't come up properly in all the insurance systems?! It's been in the country since 2005...

    Another part of my problem is that I'm now on a UK license (required after driving here for a year on my Canadian license), which I've now held for a year. I have 5 years no claims from DL (the max they offer apparently) though in writing. Try and enter 5 years no claims when you have to enter your license as UK- Full held for 1 year... doesn't generaly work, so I have to ring up, and I'm still only credited for holding a license for a year, whereas last year I was credited with holding a foreign license for 22 years!

    Anyhow, owing to my somewhat unique circumstances I don't expect anyone here will have any advice, but if you do, I'd be happy to hear it. Mostly I just wanted to vent. Oh, and Adrian Flux is not that great.. £3000(!!!) and I still had to spend 10 minutes explaining what a Hilux Surf was!
    Last edited by CheGuevara; 11 January 2010, 23:59.

  • #2
    Originally posted by CheGuevara View Post
    I seldom post, but after 2 days of ringing around for insurance I need a minor vent.

    I got onto Tesco's site after reading oen thread here, and things were looking pretty good. When I searched my reg though it came back as a Landcruiser, but with the right 3L motor and Auto trans at least. The price came back at £275! Bargain! I'll just ring them up and get the model changed to a Surf. Now the price is £425 because I don't get the online discount! Can they fix the model in the system so when I go back to m online quote I can enter it properly? Nope...

    Why is it that this vehicle doesn't come up properly in all the insurance systems?! It's been in the country since 2005...

    Anothe rpart of my problem is that I'm now on a UK license (required after driving here for a year on my Canadian license), which I've now held for a year. I have 5 years no claims from DL (the max they offer apparently) though in writing. Try and enter 5 years no claims when you have to enter your license as UK- Full held for 1 year... doesn't generaly work, so I have to ring up, and I'm still only credited for holding a license for a year, whereas last year I was credited with holding a foreign license for 22 years!

    Anyhow, owing to my somewhat unique circumstances I don't expect anyone here will have any advice, but if you do, I'd be happy to hear it. Mostly I just wanted to vent. Oh, and Adrian Flux is not that great.. £3000(!!!) and I still had to spend 10 minutes explaining what a Hilux Surf was!

    just had all the same shoit as you trying to insure mine, except mine comes up as a 2003 toyota previa.... i have same thing with a full irish licence of 4 years but 5 years no claims.... its a load of me ****


    • #3
      try NFU mutal
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        i think someone a Adrian Flux needs a bollocking, they are major sponsers of this site!!!
        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
          i think someone a Adrian Flux needs a bollocking, they are major sponsers of this site!!!
          did they agree to do good deals for members???


          • #6
            Try LV (Liverpool Victoria). Especially if you're entitled to join the CSMA for any reason (google CSMA to see if you can join).

            Even if you can't use the above possibilities try just saying that you've got a Toyota 4-Runner (given that is the UK model). It's what I got my insurance through LV with cos they were confused over what a Toyota Surf was and they were great when I had a Jap import Celica (and wrote it off in a head on crash - my fault - fully comp insurance - I had the money in my bank account less than a week after the accident!)


            • #7
              Try googling Noel dazely... Flux quoted me over £300z Noel dazely gave me the same cover for£197
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
                Even if you can't use the above possibilities try just saying that you've got a Toyota 4-Runner (given that is the UK model).
                I've mentioned this by way of explaining what it is, but then stressed it's an import and registered as a Hilux Surf (and then have to explain it's not just a Hilux pickup). My concerns are that if an incident did occur, the insurance company would weasle their way out of paying at all costs (which is pretty much what they exist for) by claiming what's insured doesn't match what's registered. Only way I'd be comfortable with it would be if they wrote "Same as a 4-Runner, but the Japanese version." on the insurance cert


                • #9
                  Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                  i think someone a Adrian Flux needs a bollocking, they are major sponsers of this site!!!

                  And yet the conversation went:

                  "How did you hear about Adrian Flux?"

                  "It was recommended on the Hilux Surf forum."


                  "The Hilux Surf Forum. It's an internet forum for people who own this model of car."


                  "I found it on the internet."

                  "Oh, ok then."

                  I will say this though - the girl on the phone was very pleasant to deal with, and seemed to be equally shocked about the price. So if manners and friendliness could be converted to £'s discount, they'd be paying me money.

                  Sadly though, > £3K was the quote, even after much back and forth between her and the manager about the particulars of my NCB and licensing etc, and then searching and calling me back 30 mins later. Amazing really... that much money to insure a slow vehicle for a 39yo with 23 years of claim-free driving, including riding ridiculously fast sportbikes and supermotos for the same length of time. Yup, I must be a real big risk

                  Edit - I insure a motorcycle (only an SV650 mind) now for about £350/yr -surely that's a bigger potential liability?
                  Last edited by CheGuevara; 11 January 2010, 23:54.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TobyJug View Post
                    try NFU mutal
                    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                    Try googling Noel dazely... Flux quoted me over £300z Noel dazely gave me the same cover for£197
                    Will do guys, thanks. My insurance expires tomorrow (yup I've left it a bit late, but have had a lot on my plate, as have many, this time of year) and it's in for it's MOT at the moment (brilliant price/service/delivery on a tailpipe from japanese4x4spares btw), so need to have it sorted by close of business tomorrow.


                    • #11
                      On a side note: Where claiming "modifications" is concerned, would it be worth mentioning heavy duty rear springs or 31" tires, or would I just muddy the water further?

                      I'm thinking the springs would never be noticed (don't really provide any lift aside from what's gained from the sagging stockers) and the imperial-measurment tires are probably just large enough to rectify the optomistic speedometer (and I think may have been a factory option?).


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CheGuevara View Post
                        I've mentioned this by way of explaining what it is, but then stressed it's an import and registered as a Hilux Surf (and then have to explain it's not just a Hilux pickup). My concerns are that if an incident did occur, the insurance company would weasle their way out of paying at all costs (which is pretty much what they exist for) by claiming what's insured doesn't match what's registered. Only way I'd be comfortable with it would be if they wrote "Same as a 4-Runner, but the Japanese version." on the insurance cert
                        That is almost exactly what it says on my insurance certificate - "4-Runner (Japanese Import)".

                        I've been insured with LV for 5 or 6 years (and 2 claims) and never had the slightest glimmer of them trying to avoid paying out. My dad has been with them (or their forerunners if you'll excuse the pun!) since the 1960s and had nothing but praise for them, which is rare enough for an insurance company!


                        • #13
                          Adrian Flux

                          I too seldom post but feel the need to comment on this.

                          Adrian Flux, despite numerous recommendations are a joke. I always do the ring round at renewal time regardless of the renewal cost. I am yet to find anyone who actually uses them.

                          The latest quote (after eventually identifying a "Hilux Surf" import thing) was £2000, the previous year was quoted at £1500.

                          I am currently with A-Plan, no drama whatsoever and I have the Surf and an 1800 Vauxhall insured with them, both fully comp and @ the fat end of 40 years old with full no claims comes in at just over £500 for both, only a few quid more than the previous years cover.


                          • #14
                            Swinton done me a great deal, I think they called it a 4 Runner.
                            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                            • #15
                              I'd be wary if my insurance document didn't say exactly what I have. Mine specifically says that I have a modified Surf.

                              If they get arsey at any point, your insurance is not valid. You don't have a 4-Runner, you have a Surf.
                              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

