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I’m so glad I own a big gas guzzling, anti social 4X4

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  • #31
    for the last few days my explorer and i have been treated with a god like status. pulling cars out of and up god only knows what, jump starting, bump starting, taking old dears the doctors and collecting bread/milk for all on sundry.
    now the roads are a little better, and folk are out on their own things have changed a little...........example..... i was driving back from asda yesterday and most of the road is 2 lanes, not a duel carrigeway, just 2 lanes. the outside lane was full of snow still and the nearside lane was moving very slowly, so slowly, a normal 5 minute drive was an hour or so. so i used the outside lane, and was greeted the most horrendous abuse from other drivers. waving, ranting, raving, one bloke even opened his door and got out and stood in the outside lane. i just bumped up the verge a little and ploughed on. some even tried to block the lane as per truck drivers in road works. at roundabouts with 2 lanes i was being squeezed and blocked by all, car drivers, white vam man. yet only a little earlier i was pulling this wonkers out their drives etc.with not much gratitude either. one woman insisted i went to buy the rope to pull her out the snow she'd embedded herself in, when i refused she said ' what fu*&in use are you'. drove past her for 2 hours

    the general public eh



    • #32
      Think we need some new bumper stickers to vent our anger with.
      How about "help reduce global warming, leave 5 cars stuck in the snow"

      Any ideas anyone, stickers are cheap enough to get made at your local vynil sign shop.

      Having said that, I pulled a wagon out of a side street the other day and the driver was very appreciative. On the other hand i have offered to pull several cars fro, the same street and they all refused help so i watched them all fail miserably for 20 minutes.
      Last edited by Nostromo; 9 January 2010, 20:43.
      In space no one can hear you scream


      • #33
        Originally posted by Nostromo View Post
        Think we need some new bumper stickers to vent our anger with.
        How about "help reduce global warming, leave 5 cars stuck in the snow"

        Any ideas anyone, stickers are cheap enough to get made at your local vynil sign shop.
        "£50 Pull Out Charge" would be better just tel them its Mr Brown and the do gooders fault

        PS I have a vinyl machine


        • #34
          i've been loving the surf these past couple of weeks, absolutely not one problem, not got stuck or worried about getting stuck once.
          Although I don't know if it's just me getting old, but i've been getting increasingly angry at other road users so i'm just going to have a tiny rant. For instance, why can't people buy a set of snow chains. It snows in this country, OK not loads, but chains aren't that expensive and it would save me having to wait in a gridlocked town centre for 4 hrs because your stupid 2wd with poxy tyres can't get up a tiny gradient.
          Also the people who don't bother to clear their cars of snow properly, I saw one guy yesterday driving early morning so it was dark with its; roof, bonnet, lights and front windscreen (with a tiny window cleared on it) covered in about a foot of snow. then I pass them and they're on their mobile phone. Same sort of pillock came flying backwards out of a parking space and hit my pregnant wife, good job she was in the surf. Idiots
          And finally some 4wd drivers (especially softroaders) thinking that 4wd suddenly grants them invulnerability so they go charging around thinking they can stop on a penny even though they've got stupid cheap tyres on them.
          Ahem sorry.

          For the sticker: Stranded? Eat the fat one first


          • #35
            Just a quick question, I have a normal towrope, the type you'd use to pull a normal car. Would this be sufficient to pull cars on snow? It has a two tonne rating but I might hazard a guess that it would need to be more substantial if I wanted to pull cars out of snow?


            • #36
              Originally posted by oneidadan View Post

              For the sticker: Stranded? Eat the fat one first
              Nice sticker idea.

              Freelander owners seem to be the main offender when it comes to invincibility. One came flying past me in the town centre the other day at speed. But you should have seen the guy in the scooby wrx trying to pass me today in the icy outside lane. He quickly changed his mind. Just as well, I wouldn't have bothered stopping for him if he had skidded off the road, except maybe to help the 2 innocent children he had in the back.

              I have a 7 ton towing strap which I believe was the minimum rating required when 4x4 Funday's where up and running.
              Last edited by Nostromo; 10 January 2010, 14:38.
              In space no one can hear you scream

