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  • why?

    why is it in this country we get a bit of snow and everything grinds to a halt and it's utter chaos with cars abandoned all over the place and people driveing a 5mph.
    i've driven artics all over europe and they all seem to be able to cope with the weather and just get on with it.
    But here it took me 2 hours to do a 3 mile journey it's crazy
    when the sh*t hits the fan greet the reaper with a smile

  • #2
    It happens. The other week when it snowed about 1 or 2", everyone rushed home and created a jam so when I left at normal time 6pm, I didnt walk throug the door until gone 9pm..
    In february we had cars getting stuck on hills and creating jams. So that we could get to work I used my surf to push a transit up and over a bridge. Some other clever person had tried in their BMW and had managed to get stuck 90 degrees to the road and on the wrong side of the road. I see other BMWs crawling at 5 or 10mph with the wheels slipping then gripping (must have been traction control)

    Some people panick, Some people dont have the knowledge to drive in those conditions, Others over exaggerate. all amounts to lots of traffic!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      Because in Europe, everyone switches to Winter tyres in October. Simple.

      In a Lot of Countries it's illegal to drive without them in the winter.
      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #4
        i know most of europe uses winter tyres as i lived in germany for over a year and my brother has live there since 1980, but the roads over the pond seem better managed and people seem to cope better over there, even some of the people in 4x4's today have been brakeing to hard and sliding all over the place, i've just been keeping a safe distance from the idiots and letting them get on with it lol
        when the sh*t hits the fan greet the reaper with a smile


        • #5
          I've just got home, and I must say there is something electrical in the mondeo that made her keep juddering and feeling very uncomfortable.

          I've just swapped cars for the rest of the week, I'll take the 18year old no electrical assistance rwd (or4wd if it gets slippery enougth), it knocks the socks of modern rubbish.
          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


          • #6
            Ah, remember the days (depending on your age) when you got up to 2 feet of snow in the morning, had your breakfast, dug the snow from your doors and paths, walked to school on your own in your wellies and when you got there all the teachers had arrived and your mum and dad had gone off to work.
            What is wrong with people these days.

            I remember my dad driving me down a long steep hill in a foot of snow in a skoda with parked cars on either side and a T junction at the bottom. Arrived safe and sound. Different breed then obviously. people these days seem to be clueless about most things, lets face it we are now living with a generation that cant even cook themselves a meal without moving a box from the freezer to the microwave. How could we ever expect them to drive any distance in a vehicle with a couple of inch of slippery stuff on the road, half of them have hardly ever seen snow.
            Last edited by Nostromo; 5 January 2010, 22:08.
            In space no one can hear you scream


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nostromo View Post
              Ah, remember the days (depending on your age) when you got up to 2 feet of snow in the morning, had your breakfast, dug the snow from your doors and paths, walked to school on your own in your wellies and when you got there all the teachers had arrived and your mum and dad had gone off to work.
              What is wrong with people these days.

              Don't get me started mate lol, I remember my dad comming to pick us up from junior school in the early 70's and it was snowing so hard we couldn't find the car (white lancia) so..... we walked home.

              I'm fighting the urge not to quote monty phython here.

              Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Nostromo View Post
                Ah, remember the days (depending on your age) when you got up to 2 feet of snow in the morning, had your breakfast, dug the snow from your doors and paths, walked to school on your own in your wellies and when you got there all the teachers had arrived and your mum and dad had gone off to work.
                What is wrong with people these days.

                I remember my dad driving me down a long steep hill in a foot of snow in a skoda with parked cars on either side and a T junction at the bottom. Arrived safe and sound. Different breed then obviously. people these days seem to be clueless about most things, lets face it we are now living with a generation that cant even cook themselves a meal without moving a box from the freezer to the microwave. How could we ever expect them to drive any distance in a vehicle with a couple of inch of slippery stuff on the road, half of them have hardly ever seen snow.
                Mark your matrix should be with you Thursday via TNT


                • #9
                  Well it just took me 3 hours to do a 20 min journey - sheer hell. Snow on black ice an no fun at all. Back end steppin out all over the place an strugglin for grip on any slight incline. Dropped 3 inches in the space of hour an ground the region to a halt - no fun at all.
                  How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bibs View Post
                    Well it just took me 3 hours to do a 20 min journey - sheer hell. Snow on black ice an no fun at all. Back end steppin out all over the place an strugglin for grip on any slight incline. Dropped 3 inches in the space of hour an ground the region to a halt - no fun at all.
                    You should have worn different shoes then, stillettos are useless in snow.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                      You should have worn different shoes then, stillettos are useless in snow.
                      Lol - knew I was doin' something wrong.
                      How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                      • #12
                        people are driving too fast for the road conditions....this is the first time i have been out in the snow with my hilux....thought i did pretty good..i was given some really good driving tips from my sister's partner who has years of driving in Canada

                        i remember the old days with lots of snow, walking to school in my wellies , frozen feet stick in my mind.....oh and red welts on my legs with the wellies rubbing....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
                          people are driving too fast for the road conditions....this is the first time i have been out in the snow with my hilux....thought i did pretty good..i was given some really good driving tips from my sister's partner who has years of driving in Canada

                          i remember the old days with lots of snow, walking to school in my wellies , frozen feet stick in my mind.....oh and red welts on my legs with the wellies rubbing....
                          Reminded me of the joke about the midget woman who goes to doc's with a severe irritation of the lady bits.
                          midget "It;s really sore doc, can you help"

                          doc "walk around the room for me"

                          doc "Ah I see, stand still for a second"

                          doc gets his scissors SNIP...SNIP...SNIP...

                          doc "Any better when you walk?"

                          midget "Oh doctor thats fantastic, your a genius!"

                          doc "not really madam, I just cut an inch off of your wellies"

                          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                            Mark your matrix should be with you Thursday via TNT
                            Cheers Richard, just ignore the email I sent you.
                            Sent you an email then logged onto forum.
                            must get my priorities right in future.

                            Just driven to Manchesgter and back from Preston.
                            Manchester have taken the day off again (soft sods) and it was the easiest i have ever got there. Straight through the 60/61 juction without even having to slow down(usual delay 20 mins).
                            I was 35 minutes early, the bloke I was meeting who lives in Manchester was 15 minutes late. I appoligised for being so early as I had been mis-informed that driving conditions where diffficult due to the snow.
                            Think I would have gone anyway whatever the conditions just for fun.

                            Remember the red welts very well, we used to turn our socks over the top of our wellies to keep them up, it never worked though. Remember getting ice build up on the strap of your duffel coat hood as well. Oooh not to mention balaclarva's. No self respecting youth would be seen dead in that get up these days, hoody and trainers, thats what you need in this whether.
                            Last edited by Nostromo; 6 January 2010, 12:57.
                            In space no one can hear you scream


                            • #15
                              Wellies? snob!

                              I had plastic bags round me shoes.
                              Sent from the iPad you "lost"

