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Been in hospital again .

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  • Been in hospital again .

    I got took in to hospital by ambulance day before New Year Eve . I collapsed for some unknown reason . I been having a lot of discomfort since the operation the week before and a heavy cold did not help with all the coughing I was doing . After loads of tests they are still none the wiser as to why I collapsed or why I am still in discomfort after the op. Managed to get out of hospital 9.00pm New Year Eve so at least I could see New Year in with friends and family . Plus it was Nutters Night so all the ####ed up toss pots would be fighting and ending up in hospital and I didnt want to be in a bed next to one . So back to work Monday or wait till I collapse again .
    Happy New Year .
    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

  • #2
    Sorry to hear things ain't going as planed Rick !!
    One Hospital visit is bad enough (if the problem's sorted) but a second visit after ya collapsed n no diagnosis doesn't sound to clever ... more than a little concerning n irritating I bet !!
    Hope it didn't spoil ya festivity n New celebrations too much ..
    Hope it's sorted soon mate ....
    Good Luck n Happy New year

    There's always a Payback .. Cos ya don't know where n ya never know when !!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      Happy new year Rick.

      Seems to me that you hadn't fully rcovered after the op, especially with having a cold. A few days rest doing absolutely nothing should sort you out.

      Have you tried re-newing your rad cap? What about fluids, are they at the correct level?


      • #4
        Ooo sorry to hear - like the others say put your feet up an rest. You probably over did it as with having a cold as well your body needs time out. Hope you're feeling better soon.
        How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


        • #5
          Hope you feel better soon Rick and hope you have a better 2010


          • #6
            Take is as easy as possible, every op will knock you back even if you you feel ok, take a week out and just eat sleep and rest best thing you can do.
            hope you feel better soon!

            Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.


