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Dorking Lanes

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  • Dorking Lanes

    Does anyone know any current lanes in Dorking area that are good for a trip out tomorrow? And, would you like to go?

    Last time I was there I couldn't remember correctly where all the lanes were, and I dont have that sort of map. I got a little bit lost and drope up a residential lane and decided to go back out onto the road. Next thing, some bloke comes running out of his house, down his drive way and opens his gate to come and talk to us. I explained I was looking for byways and couldnt remember where they were and had come down this street in error. At this point he told me he didn't like me. But he kindly told me to use his driveway to back my car into to turn round.

    Obviosly had the wrong Idea..!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    Does this work for anyone? It just shows me a blank page...


    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      works fine for me
      http://www.surreycc.gov.uk/sccwebsite/sccwspublications.nsf/f2d920e015d1183d80256c670041a5 0b/9c639eacd93efe128025746d003cb4 71/$FILE/GIS%20flyer.pdf


      • #4
        Cheers! I've managed to get a map up of the area and it highlights the Byways. I've then compared this with google maps and I can find the lanes on my sat-nav!

        Only thing is, I've no one to go with!
        Oh Nana, what's my name?

