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  • Disgusting!

    How low can this government go?

  • #2
    Originally posted by hellmett View Post
    Till the next election

    Thats wrong he should not be prosecuted but thats The PC mob going mad not the government. Everyone has to live by the rules or not at all. I personally think the rule book needs re writing


    • #3
      Its a crazy crazy world, and therein you have the reason we can never win against these people, when did you hear about the taliban being investigated for maltreatment, these are the people who kill there own, hide weapons in holy places and schools, and never bother about who they kill or maim.
      Spot the differance.


      • #4

        Yeah, and they brutally behead any westerner that they get their hands on, film it and post it on the net!

        "Terrorists" or "insurgents" do not wear a uniform and as such are not protected by the Geneva Convention.

        They are termed as "Enemy Combatants" not enemy soldiers.

        Sort of makes the "War Crimes" charge a real load of s h i t e really, doesn't it?

        I know a lot of people that would have shot the scumbag and I think he got off extremely lightly, if it had of been any other of the coalition countries he would have got his throat slit..

        He will probably get a load of cash, 40 camels and an public apology from Gordon Brown.
        Last edited by hellmett; 13 December 2009, 02:40.


        • #5
          I posted this on another forum and was genuinely surprsied when two ro three people came out in support of the terrorist quoting Genevan Convention. Do these #######s abide by the Geneva Convention when blowing up civilians?

          I posted this in response to one of the liberal postings;

          You obviously have never been at the "sharp end". Have you forgotten the 1000s of people who died on the terrorist act on the twin towers.
          Going back further, what would you do if you captured a terrorist who had butchered men, women, children and babies all from a mission station. What would you do if you captured a terrorist who had rounded up the survivors from an air crash and then machine gunned them who were all civilians? I have first hand experience!
          See these links; This one for the missionaries and this one for the plane crash

          Terrorists deserve no mercy at all as their main aim is to kill and maim and it does not matter who it is!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Surf01 View Post
            I posted this on another forum and was genuinely surprsied when two ro three people came out in support of the terrorist quoting Genevan Convention. Do these #######s abide by the Geneva Convention when blowing up civilians?
            I see where you're coming from, I've seen plenty of 'action' in the Balkans, when I was younger I would have agreed 100% with you.
            BUT... Someone has to uphold the law. You can't keep fighting an outrageous act with an even more outrageous act. Because then there is no end.
            The reason that 'we' are better than them is because we try to stick to the Geneva convention.
            Being British is being a bit different, fair play and all that.
            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


            • #7
              We have tio abide by the rules but they don't?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Surf01 View Post
                We have tio abide by the rules but they don't?
                Pretty much, yes. It's one of the downsides of being civilised.
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Surf01 View Post
                  We have tio abide by the rules but they don't?
                  That's what makes them terrorists, and 'us' the good guys.

                  Like I said, it don't seem right,
                  The Yanks tried that sh1t in Vietnam with torturing and killing thousands of civilians, it got them nowhere.

                  I'll remember in a minute, Operation something or other.

                  Phoenix, that's it.
                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #10
                    as i see our list of dead grow each week i am not feeling very civilised.

                    take the gloves off or bring them home .

                    you dont have to support the war , but please support our troops

                    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
                    George Orwell .


                    Trooper Phillip Lawrence RIP
                    “He lived for the Army and died for his country.
                    i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                    • #11

                      Well said all!

                      I'm glad it's not just me and a small percentage of our population who feel sick to the stomach with this nonsense.

                      The British Army have become the laughing stock of nearly every country in the world.

                      Even the smaller 3rd world "emerging" countries have better equipped, better ran, more respected armies than us.

                      All our war dead must be turning in their graves.

                      My brother is just back from Afghanistan and he told me that there is an investigation into every "contact" with the Taliban.

                      Squaddies are that concerned about being charged with War Crimes that they hesitate to return fire in combat.

                      I've never heard anything so ridiculous.


                      • #12
                        The Falklands war was the last time we ( Great Britain ) stood alone in a war and with #### all and on a shoe string we won ( just ) .

                        i dont care what the world has to say , the British Army is the best
                        but we never got all that we have by being nice , history shows the we have done so very distasteful things .

                        you dont send a poodle to fight a pitbull

                        should a soldier killing for fun be punished ? yes , yes he should , but its is not always that black and white, some times stuff needs doing

                        i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                        • #13
                          I think the point that made people bang on about the Geneva Convention etc is that the guy is, at the moment, only a suspect. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.

                          The soldier is only being investigated at the moment, so here's hoping he gets away with nothing more than a reprimand and a reminder not to go around belting people.

                          I sympathise with him. I can't imagine being in a situation where my best friend has been killed and I come face to face with the guy who may well have done it the next day.

