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Disgraceful care of our elderly

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  • Disgraceful care of our elderly

    Just thought I'd mention the plight of the elderly dementia folks who are unfortunate to be in one the the 'granny farms'.

    It is a national disgrace that these senior citizens are left to 'vegetate' in care homes, with no time spent on their mental wellbeing. They are left to wander the corridors with no supervision, given a cocktail of anti psychotic drugs to keep them 'zombiefied' and easier to manage, although the staff would not admit to it. These 'chemical coshes can give side effects you are trying to treat. I think I would go insane if I was locked in a place that I didn't want to be in , be with people i didnt know, and not have much in the way of human interaction....Looking at it through the eyes of a dementia sufferer would be horrific... Must be a living death for most.

    God help the future generations who happen to be struck down with this awful disease..the government can't sort out the problems with these places now, so what sort of chance have the future victims got.....

    Me...I think I would take a ''little pill'' and end it before I ended up in one of those institutions.

    My poor mother is in a 'nursing ' home in Edinburgh and I am apalled at the lack of care she is receiving. Fallen numerous times, fractured her collar bone, no x-ray done until a week later...various cuts, black eyes etc....

    Unfortunately the cost for a private home is in excess of £980 a week!...who has that money to spare....

    Just venting my frustration guys...

  • #2
    Vent away Shirley, could not agree more with what you are saying.


    • #3
      Makes me wonder why we pay taxes.

      Oh yeah - the 'lifestyle choice' unemployed...
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4

        Now now then!

        Our brilliant government cannot be expected to support our elderly AND our immigrants/chavs/layabouts/pikeys etc.!

        I mean, for goodness sake, how on earth can we expect New Labour to keep an unemployed Somalian chap with 70 kids in a 3 storey mansion in Mayfair AND be expected to pay for the care of our fathers, mothers etc. who worked most of their lives, and sacrificed nearly everything this nation, it's just too much!

        The rest of the world would think we were mental!

        Seriously, having been a psychiatric nurse on several EMI and COTE wards I know exactly what you mean.

        I wouldn't lose any sleep over it though, it will never change!

        This country is gone to the dogs, I don't think it will ever return.
        Last edited by hellmett; 12 December 2009, 19:07.


        • #5
          This country is gone to the dogs, I don't think it will ever return.

          I've just checked with my dog and he said why should they want all our mistakes, he reckons we have to keep it.

          I knew this dog was too clever by half


          • #6
            Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
            Just thought I'd mention the plight of the elderly dementia folks who are unfortunate to be in one the the 'granny farms'.

            It is a national disgrace that these senior citizens are left to 'vegetate' in care homes, with no time spent on their mental wellbeing. They are left to wander the corridors with no supervision, given a cocktail of anti psychotic drugs to keep them 'zombiefied' and easier to manage, although the staff would not admit to it. These 'chemical coshes can give side effects you are trying to treat. I think I would go insane if I was locked in a place that I didn't want to be in , be with people i didnt know, and not have much in the way of human interaction....Looking at it through the eyes of a dementia sufferer would be horrific... Must be a living death for most.

            God help the future generations who happen to be struck down with this awful disease..the government can't sort out the problems with these places now, so what sort of chance have the future victims got.....

            Me...I think I would take a ''little pill'' and end it before I ended up in one of those institutions.
            My poor mother is in a 'nursing ' home in Edinburgh and I am apalled at the lack of care she is receiving. Fallen numerous times, fractured her collar bone, no x-ray done until a week later...various cuts, black eyes etc....

            Unfortunately the cost for a private home is in excess of £980 a week!...who has that money to spare....

            Just venting my frustration guys...
            I totally agree with you on this.
            I'm a custard donut monster


            • #7
              [QUOTE=jotto;605647]I totally agree with you on this.[/QUOTE

              I totally agree as well and l would like to say alot more, but l might get HUNG, DRAWN & QUARTERED. AH SO WHAT!!! I have had my 88year old mum moved in with me now for 3months, they promissed me everything to look after her, gave me a wheelchair for her i cant get it in or out of the house because of the large steps. She cant go to a day centre because she cant walk they said its not worth sending her been waiting 3months for physio to come now she has leg ulcers on both legs. We have 2carers coming in 4times aday 7days aweek District Nurse every other day and sacks full of forms to fill in only to be told because my dear old dad worked his rocks off all his life, has left her with a nice little pension she is not entitled to any extra benifits because she is a few £,s over the Limit. Something "SMELLS" and its not the dogs.
              Sorry for going on i should have deleted this instead of posting it on hear.
              Live Life To The Full


              • #8
                Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
                My poor mother is in a 'nursing ' home in Edinburgh and I am apalled at the lack of care she is receiving. Fallen numerous times, fractured her collar bone, no x-ray done until a week later...various cuts, black eyes etc....
                Which home, name it and shame it if it's that bad? A mate of mine's wife investigates these things, she's had a few homes shut down and their owners/staff prosecuted and, in most cases, struck off and either fined or jailed.

                She also has the phone number of an investigative journalist who may be interested.
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  Know what ya saying Shirly !!
                  25 years have passed since me ole pa had Alziemer's n died five years later !! He gave up everything n we got nothing nowhere, the only thing that's now changed is ya gotta give up even more for even less while those in charge give our hard earned away to help underfunded, missguided cheating robbing so called poor countries, only for them to Squander it n come here with their Cheating, Robbing ways n upsetting our Country ...
                  What ever happened to "Charity begins at Home"
                  Rant over

                  There's always a Payback .. Cos ya don't know where n ya never know when !!
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
                    Unfortunately the cost for a private home is in excess of £980 a week!...
                    This may sound a bit harsh, but why don't you move her outide Edinburgh? My Gran was in a very good home in Falkirk for many years, I think it was only about £480 a week. It was partially funded (as I thought all all care homes in Scotland are?) so I don't know exactly what we paid. I think it was 50% but I'm not sure, can ask my mum if you need to know? Even if you had to pay it all, it's still less than half what you would be paying in Edinburgh.

                    Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
                    who has that money to spare....
                    What price your mother's wellbeing?
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #11
                      I'm saving to put myself in a home.
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                        I'm saving to put myself in a home.
                        WHY botheryou might aswell "PI??" up the wall and have nothing left and you will get everything paid for.
                        Live Life To The Full


                        • #13
                          We originally had her in a Bupa nursing home, but I must admit they were not better...I would love to look after her, but after losing my son last year in an accident, I am not really capable of the full time care she would require. My twin sister works full time ( we are both children's nurses, but i am retired).

                          I know that would not happen in the paediatric sector as there would be a public outcry. We have compiled a letter of complaint to the health authority, but I am not under any illusions that anything significant will be done.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
                            We originally had her in a Bupa nursing home, but I must admit they were not better...I would love to look after her, but after losing my son last year in an accident, I am not really capable of the full time care she would require. My twin sister works full time ( we are both children's nurses, but i am retired).

                            I know that would not happen in the paediatric sector as there would be a public outcry. We have compiled a letter of complaint to the health authority, but I am not under any illusions that anything significant will be done.
                            Don't write to the health board. Write to the Police! And have a chat with an investigatory journalist (any one of them) at the Daily Record.
                            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                            • #15
                              The Care Commission, thats who you need to write to, and call.

                              Сви можемо

