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This Site is Brilliant !

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  • This Site is Brilliant !

    Many reasons why I couldn't just delete and walk away from here, but here is a classic example of how our members can be so supportive and helpful ! As you know I have to sell my Project Surf and duly advertised it on this site before going anywhere else like fleabay or autotrader
    Have been extremely patient and stupid ( like advertising leading up to the festive season)
    Anyway Thanks guys for the texts and PM's to tell me that somebody was asking about my Surf ! it is much appreciated and just goes to show that our community spirit prevails ! Thanks again !
    Death rides a Black Horse

  • #2
    merry christmas john

    yes even the worst of the worst are willing to help if needed
    Last edited by JUDWAK; 11 December 2009, 15:08.
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      Dunno if i did owt to help you John but your welcome, yeah! this site's ok i suppose
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        I can't walk away. I've just paid for another years subscription. £59.99 is a bargain.
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          no worries john,none atall mate,its a karma thing,what goes around,comes around as they say


          • #6
            It was Smiffy that sent me a Text, but couldn't focus correctly as the Lagavullin had taken effect !
            Death rides a Black Horse


            • #7
              Good on ya John ...
              Ya may have to downsize mate but don't mean ya don't belong

              I go here there n everywhere n always end up back looking in here !!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                Originally posted by darkdezigns View Post
                no worries john,none atall mate,its a karma thing,what goes around,comes around as they say :nice:
                And what is that reference to ??? I really cant see what relevance that part of your reply has to do with the subject of this thread.

                In fact I may be reading this the wrong way but I see it as another dig at and reference to those you have had trouble with and also been a part of all the trouble.

                Your reply to Tony yesterday gave me the impression you think you have won one over on certain people and not taking things seriously here. Believe me one more reference or sarcastic remark to any thing that has occured previously on or off this forum and you will be history.

                I will not tolerate this any longer, be warned.
                Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                My 4x4
                My choice
                Back off


                • #9
                  Originally posted by darkdezigns View Post
                  no worries john,none atall mate,its a karma thing,what goes around,comes around as they say

                  Yeah, likes its all down to you, butt out....

                  :edited, cos Koi said what needed to be said:
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Koi View Post
                    And what is that reference to ??? I really cant see what relevance that part of your reply has to do with the subject of this thread.

                    In fact I may be reading this the wrong way but I see it as another dig at and reference to those you have had trouble with and also been a part of all the trouble.

                    Your reply to Tony yesterday gave me the impression you think you have won one over on certain people and not taking things seriously here. Believe me one more reference or sarcastic remark to any thing that has occured previously on or off this forum and you will be history.

                    I will not tolerate this any longer, be warned.
                    Originally posted by TonyN View Post

                    Yeah, likes its all down to you....
                    hold up fellas,fyi it was refrence to the fact john has helped me out loads,been very nice,and i tried to help when i saw the reply to his by sending john a pm


                    • #11
                      I'm fed up with your snarky comments, people got banned and others walked away from the forum, due to arguements with you.

                      You didn't get banned cos they started it out of the blue, in that particular thread, if i could have fairly banned you i would have. how many hints do you needs to keep your head down.

                      Maybe John was just talking to you, but the messages i got where that you just looked you're gloating and still stomping around like you own the place talking about karma and stuff so soon after the latest round of childishness, instead of having the decency to STFU and keep your head down for a while.
                      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                        I'm fed up with your snarky comments, people got banned and others walked away from the forum, due to arguements with you.

                        You didn't get banned cos they started it out of the blue, in that particular thread, if i could have fairly banned you i would have. how many hints do you needs to keep your head down.

                        Maybe John was just talking to you, but the messages i got where that you just looked you're gloating and still stomping around like you own the place talking about karma and stuff so soon after the latest round of childishness, instead of having the decency to STFU and keep your head down for a while.
                        john was talking to me and albanach,and i have explained to nigel,that refrence is to do with john being very nice/helpfull to me in the past,just trying to help a mate out,nothing more


                        • #13
                          this site is brilliant very entertaining in fact talk about of the subject
                          I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by John h View Post
                            It was Smiffy that sent me a Text, but couldn't focus correctly as the Lagavullin had taken effect !
                            I thought it was me
                            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                              I thought it was me
                              so did i lol,u must have sent it bout same time as my pm,ps did speed test jobbie for u

