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Swin Flu Vaccine

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  • Swin Flu Vaccine

    Was givien the swine flu vaccine yesterday lunchtime and now I feel like poo Joints ache, the arm I got the injection feels like it's been punched, got a headache, feel tired and generally can't be arsed mood. On the plus side I've shown no symptoms of rooting for truffles lol
    Hold my beer and watch this

  • #2
    Thought they were giving it to 'at risk' groups only at the mo?

    My dad had it a few weeks back and basically leaked from every orifice for several days, and needed a day in hospital. Of course, they denied it was the jab!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      Mrs Chaos is in the "at risk" group as she's on medication to supress her immune system. So by default of living with her I have to have the vaccine too.
      Hold my beer and watch this


      • #4
        my other half and daughter have had it,they both have asthma,we heard the horror stories but both were fine,daughter just had a temprature for a day,but my son and i havent been offered it


        • #5
          We both had ours a couple of weeks ago and are ok, the sore arm is a side effect i'm told, i did feel cr@p for a few days tho,
          this flue is getting close, my daughters family got it over in gosport (except my daughter) and a lad in the scout troop my other grandson belongs to got it on their weekend camp out,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            I got 2 flu jabs yesterday...normal flu and swine flu.....by evening i was feeling like sh*t. Went to bed and ok this morning apart from a sore arm....


            • #7
              My pregnant wife was given hers a couple of weeks ago - and apart from the dead arm for a couple of days - she's been fine.
              Normally she will pick up any cold/bug going about!
              Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

