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hello all

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  • hello all

    hi there just thought i would say hello to all ... only just discovered this forum so thought would come along and say hello...

    i have a 93 ssr-g surf and use it to mainly tow my race cars to meetings ect and the odd bit of country lane molesting

    always loved surfs since i first importing one from japan as a alternative to the uk 4 runner..

    so hello to ya all and i may stay if your a friendly bunch...

  • #2
    Originally posted by South east modifications
    hi there just thought i would say hello to all ... only just discovered this forum so thought would come along and say hello...

    i have a 93 ssr-g surf and use it to mainly tow my race cars to meetings ect and the odd bit of country lane molesting

    always loved surfs since i first importing one from japan as a alternative to the uk 4 runner..

    so hello to ya all and i may stay if your a friendly bunch...
    Hi & welcome, friendly we possibly are, mad we most definately are, enjoy your stay.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      Originally posted by South east modifications
      and the odd bit of country lane molesting

      perhaps you could re-phrase that!... could get locked up!!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Welcome aboard m8!! post us some pics of your surf to admire!!




        • #5

          perhaps you could re-phrase that!... could get locked up!!
          ha ha mmm ok better re think that one then.......

          so friendly you are... nutters,mmm to be proved......


          • #6
            Originally posted by South east modifications
            ha ha mmm ok better re think that one then.......

            so friendly you are... nutters,mmm to be proved......
            You only have to hang around on the site for a couple of days and veiw some of the photo's and you will come to the same conclusion, most on here are beyond help.

            If it smells like fish, eat it!


            • #7
              Originally posted by South east modifications
              ha ha mmm ok better re think that one then.......

              so friendly you are... nutters,mmm to be proved......
              WE aint all nutters like that TonyN and his grinder fetish or them Vagrants who cater and have a suicide seat in their toy.
              Still welcome to the surfers ward,look out for matron she will give you the pills that make you sleep.
              If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


              • #8
                Originally posted by sumo
                We aint all nutters ........sumo.

                Oh yes you are!!!! Sumo and the Bunny, with a Penguin for a son??? How sane is that?




                • #9
                  penguin??? matron??? oh come on explain.... think i will fit in here a treat.....

