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Landline tax

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  • #16
    Thing is all these little stealth taxes add up and make a big dent in your take home packet!
    This is a sneaky trick by the government to close down many government offices in the future by making people go Online to do everything. Another job losses scenario.
    We are considering dumping our landline as we both have mobiles and we also have mobile broadband. Total cost for mobile connections when contract finishes in 4 months time will be approximatley £25 per month! I don't see why we should pay a tax for a private company to give broadband to places we have never heard of in our lives.
    Surely it is BT that should be doing this as they own all the landlines except for Kingston on Hull.
    Last edited by Surf01; 11 December 2009, 11:15.


    • #17
      they're also giving jobseekers free internet and a laptop!!!

      hang on, i worked hard to buy mine!... when i got made redundant, i signed on for a week, found a job in the *NEWSPAPER* and phoned to get the job!...

      they'll be giving them all free cars to get to the sign on next!!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #18
        What do i have to do to get thsi free offer as I am jobless at the moment and prospects around here are rather gloomy. At least I could sell the laptop for buy booze and fuel!


        • #19
          just wait a bit Ian - next budget they plan on giving free booze and fuel to ... ahem... 'jobseekers'...
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #20
            Originally posted by Apache View Post
            just wait a bit Ian - next budget they plan on giving free booze and fuel to ... ahem... 'jobseekers'...
            Oh well the Nag's head is just around the corner. I wonder if they will pay my taxi fare to get there?


            • #21
              So, we are better off jobless??
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #22
                Of course. It just gets boring after the first week sitting around doing nothing except chasing every job that comes up. Even worse when you do even get an acknowledgement. Sometimes I wonder if the job does exist as most are through recruitment agencies.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Surf01 View Post
                  Of course. It just gets boring after the first week sitting around doing nothing except chasing every job that comes up. Even worse when you do even get an acknowledgement. Sometimes I wonder if the job does exist as most are through recruitment agencies.
                  There are some fake jobs out there so that you reply and they get your details. Whatever you do though, if an agency DOES call you up, they normally finish the conversation (after them telling you they have something for you) they say something like "so that I do not put you forward to something you have already been put forward for, can you tell me what you've already got lined up". Or something along those lines.

                  THIS IS A SCAM to get you to tell them potential clients. They will then approach that employer directly and tell them they have a bunch of people looking for that job (which you just told them!)

                  I've fallen for that LOADS of times when agencies contacted me. I only found out because my current employer used to work for an agency , and was telling me the tricks of the trade.

                  Agencies are complete #@*$##!!

                  The amount of times I have gone to interviews for £xx amount of salary only to be told in the interview that they are only offering another amount, but I had the job. I basically said, I was told this amount and wont be accepting the offer.
                  The stupid thing was they had some type of discussion and agreed to increase the offered salary but to £500 a year less than I was originally told. By that time I had already found another place offering more.

                  EDIT:: I forgot to mention, that agencies sell your details to other companies. I've had this happen to me. I was emailed by some random company but the company who sent the email forgot to do a BCC instead of a CC so I could see ALL of the 200 odd recipients. I emailed back to ALL to try and find out what was happening and it turned out we were all signed up to the same agency.
                  Oh Nana, what's my name?


                  • #24
                    Dieselboy if you were close by, I would meet up with you and over a beer or three discuss various ways to give these agencies a shedload of grief.


                    • #25
                      Remember though at the end of the day they are usually trying to find you a job so they're not all bad. Just play it by ear

                      My current job I was approached. Turns out this company just look through monster and places like that so that was handy
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?

