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  • #31
    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
    sorry to hear that mate

    iam sorry would be nice from you
    for being so inpolite
    but no wind it up a leave were i seen you do that before
    JUD , i dont post much of late as i have more important things going on in my life right now but have always kept my membership as this is a good site with lots of good people .

    i have followed some of your threads this week and did at one point think maybe you got picked on a bit but now i just think you need to step away from the keyboard and clear your head as you are starting to make yourself look like a ###.

    see i came back and only made a few posts and ended up in a tif with fonecrusher1 just a small tif and it was over in a few miniuts , now the more i read from him the more i like him , he has some good ideas for a camper truck and that interests me.

    its the internet, its not real life .

    i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)

