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  • Insurance

    Hi there could anyone advise the best deal for insurance for a Surf I have just changed mine & the current insurance company is asking an arm & a leg more for the same car model year etc. I am looking to change and not sure where to look.
    I also wondered if anyone knows why someone would bypass the heater in a Surf the one I have just bought the guy said a hose leaked so they jsut bypassed the heater works fine but a bit parky in this weather.
    I am going to look at it but just wondered if you had any thoughts.(It was cheap so I expect to spend money on it)
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Originally posted by Terry52 View Post
    Hi there could anyone advise the best deal for insurance for a Surf I have just changed mine & the current insurance company is asking an arm & a leg more for the same car model year etc. I am looking to change and not sure where to look.
    I also wondered if anyone knows why someone would bypass the heater in a Surf the one I have just bought the guy said a hose leaked so they jsut bypassed the heater works fine but a bit parky in this weather.
    I am going to look at it but just wondered if you had any thoughts.(It was cheap so I expect to spend money on it)
    Thanks in advance
    Try Adrian flux or footman james for your insurance.
    As for the heater being bypassed it could be that the heater matrix was leaking and that is not a nice job to do as the whole dash has to come out.
    I'm a custard donut monster


    • #3

      Hi there thanks for that I have signed up with Adrian Flux got a good deal.


      • #4
        Your welcome, Have you had a chance to check your heater hose yet?
        I'm a custard donut monster

