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taking sleeping kids temperatures

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  • taking sleeping kids temperatures

    bear with me ... can i get a good read on a sleeping kids temp with a mercury thermometer in the fold behind the knee coz its all i can do without upsetting her...

  • #2
    Dont see why not! Its the same as under the arm pit

    Rubblebags (Geoff).


    • #3
      feeling embarassed but instead of feeling like a t!t for posting the thread I didnt know of any nursey forums and theres bound to be a lot of wives who have the answer so I did and when it comes to the kids, stuff embarassment

      *edit* thanks geoff hope so, its 101 not so hot


      • #4
        Mercury thermometer would be better in an armpit or "groin fold"...Where they always told you to put your hands to warm them up...
        best place to get an accurate reading.

        Alternatively, get yourself one of these...


        bit pricey, but if you train them when they are well to let you take their temperature, you might have more luck when they are ill.

        Remember its also a relative temperature. relationship between measuring device, child and time of day.

        Spotted an interesting comment on an ear thermometer the other day.
        <39 degrees - call doctor if symtoms do not subside.
        >39 degrees - go to A&E

        let us know how things develop, and wish the "small one" a speedy recovery.

        best wishes, andyL


        • #5
          Sounds like the heads cracked!

          Seriously, hope the little one is OK.
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            doesn't the mother just put her hand on kiddy's forehead and shout "your not ill... get to school!" any more?

            kids of today!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Forehead thermometers aren't much cop really.

              You need one that takes the temperature from within the ear (boots do one for about £30). It gives a good reading for core rather than external body temperature (it's also easy to use on sleeping kids!).


              • #8
                If under 18 months old then the forehead thermometer is the best to use, over 18 months then under the armpit, in older children under the tongue is best, both must be kept in place for two minutes. Behind the knee will not give you the best reading.
                The forehead or under the arm will generally give you a lower reading of around 0.5 deg C than the the mouth.
                For children under 6 months with a temp of 39 deg C then a doctor should be consulted.
                Normal temp is between 36-37.2 deg C (97.7-99.1 deg F) if high temperature persisits for more than 48hrs then consult a doctor. If cooling by use of water do not use cold water, use tepid water only.
                Symptons to watch out for are stiff neck, sickness, sensitive to light and/or purplish red spots.
                Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                My 4x4
                My choice
                Back off


                • #9
                  I'll turn you over to my wife (registered nurse and mother of 1.5)...

                  Forehead thermometers will give you a peripheral temperature reading so your child's core temp (core being where all the vital organs are!!) will be higher, so any remidial action taken may not be adequate.

                  The best sort of thermometer is a tympanic one which can take a reading from the ear in about ten seconds and is more accurate. Axillary thermoters usually take far longer to get a reading and with an un-cooperative (or sleeping) child this can cause inaccurate readings.

                  Normal body temp is 36.8 degrees I would suggest anything up to 38.5 just give a paracetomol suspension as per instructions on the bottle, also try and get the child to drink cool water and sponge them down with tepid water.
                  If you use an electric fan to cool them down make sure it is not pointed directly on them as this reduces the peripheral temp but can raise the core.

                  The tympanic (ear) thermometers are about £35 from boots and it has been the best money we ever spent! They are the thermometer of choice in most hospitals now.


                  • #10
                    I would recommend give the noisey child a half bottle of whisky and a straw . It will not lower the temperature but will shut them up and send the child to sleep . You can drink the other half of the whisky and watch the telly until you too fall asleep .


                    PS I have no kids and do not do any babysitting any more , I do not know why .
                    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!

