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  • #61
    The last point I want to make is that the (now closed) moderators thread threatening to ban folk is a bit off putting? Why would I want to pay any fees only to be banned at a later for disagreeing with someone?[QUOTE]

    You would not get banned from disagreeing with someone, its the way some people do it. We all are fully aware that some will disagree with what others have written and there nothing wrong with disagreeing. It comes down to the fact that some cant disagree in a cinstructive way without being rude, abusive or name calling, for that you may get banned warned etc, not for purely disagreeing.

    Agreed the search button is not the sharpest tool in the box, unfortunately it is part of the forum software and we are not able to alter it to make it more user friendly, rest assured if we could we would have by now.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #62
      Your sig says I give up.... Are you playing hide and seek...ok found you

      you can't give up nigel, you just can't..... At least not till you find those 25,000 missing posts
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Koi View Post
        Cant blame him

        Comes here gets called a troll and accused of calling his Surf a Jeep.

        On the first point joke or not you do not know this guy and nor he you, there was no need to call him a troll.
        People need to remember that for those of you that know each other banter and mickey taking between yourselves can be done. You know each other well enough of to know how its its meant.
        To be like that to a new member who does't know you is damn right rude and out of order.

        Meant in a nice way, but glad to see you've found your balls again Nigel. Can I suggest that you stop pussyfooting and just get down to cleaning things up and sod whom you offend in the process, subscribing members or not? Everyone here, (including myself, might I add), knows that they've probably pushed it on one or more occasions, but your reticence to get involved and get tough, (not just poncy warnings), isn't doing any favours.

        Originally posted by Koi View Post
        Agreed the search button is not the sharpest tool in the box, unfortunately it is part of the forum software and we are not able to alter it to make it more user friendly, rest assured if we could we would have by now.
        Did see one VB forum the other week that seemed to have a far superior search function. No idea how, but it would appear there must be some plugin out there for it, unless they had modified it themselves. The other suggestion which appears quite a bit is incorporating Google's site search facility into the board.


        • #64
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          Meant in a nice way, but glad to see you've found your balls again Nigel. Can I suggest that you stop pussyfooting and just get down to cleaning things up and sod whom you offend in the process, subscribing members or not? Everyone here, (including myself, might I add), knows that they've probably pushed it on one or more occasions, but your reticence to get involved and get tough, (not just poncy warnings), isn't doing any favours.

          Did see one VB forum the other week that seemed to have a far superior search function. No idea how, but it would appear there must be some plugin out there for it, unless they had modified it themselves. The other suggestion which appears quite a bit is incorporating Google's site search facility into the board.
          Hey Matt you northern jessie Bit strong views for someone who these people leaving are said to be going over to your website mate!
          Enjoying Life after Cancer


          • #65
            your all insane. make me your scapegoat if it makes you all happy. i dont care anymore. ive only ever been friendly to people on this forum from day one.
            bla bla bla and more bla bla bla.

            and yes Albannach, the fact that he came on here....said a few things knowing full well a reaction would occur...and then he fcuked off leaving people to b1tch about it is EXCATLY what i call a troll!
            oh and matt if you want nigle to come sort things out and clean the palce up from all the arguning may i suggest something..................... ..........STOP STARTING ALL THE ARGUMENTS!!!!!!!! GROW UP!!!!
            p.s empty threats make me laugh.


            • #66
              Originally posted by goodcat View Post
              your all insane. make me your scapegoat if it makes you all happy. i dont care anymore. ive only ever been friendly to people on this forum from day one.
              bla bla bla and more bla bla bla.

              and yes Albannach, the fact that he came on here....said a few things knowing full well a reaction would occur...and then he fcuked off leaving people to b1tch about it is EXCATLY what i call a troll!
              oh and matt if you want nigle to come sort things out and clean the palce up from all the arguning may i suggest something..................... ..........STOP STARTING ALL THE ARGUMENTS!!!!!!!! GROW UP!!!!
              p.s empty threats make me laugh.

              chill dude
              you were taken the wrong way tiz all
              it happends
              its called putting your foot init
              we all do it even the queen dose it
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #67
                Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                your all insane. make me your scapegoat if it makes you all happy.
                You're not a scapegoat to me,

                Post on postman.......
                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #68
                  Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                  You're not a scapegoat to me,

                  Post on postman.......
                  im not sure how to take that. part of me wants to say thank you but part of me is wondering if your being sarcastic? but even so, i find sarcasim funny so i would only laugh and say good show old boy but some people on here think sarcasim/dry wit or whatever you want to call it is a personall attack against someone. makes me laugh how those people can decide how what is said is meant to be said as they have never met me before so how do they know. if somebody is unsure then they shouldnt say anything offensive back. at least ask how what was said was meant to be said like a normal adult. people need to stop judging people so quickly.

                  anyway thanks Dan.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by MattF View Post
                    Did see one VB forum the other week that seemed to have a far superior search function. No idea how, but it would appear there must be some plugin out there for it, unless they had modified it themselves. The other suggestion which appears quite a bit is incorporating Google's site search facility into the board.
                    Will try to research this more, last time we tried was a couple of months ago so will revisit it.
                    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                    My 4x4
                    My choice
                    Back off


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by pops View Post
                      Hey Matt you northern jessie Bit strong views for someone who these people leaving are said to be going over to your website mate!
                      Hello Gramps. When have I ever been accused of tact, btw? Just because there is somewhere else is no reason to wish the worst upon this site. I for one would like to see this place get back on track as it should be, whether I end up being a victim of the cleanup or not. It's simple logic. Letting a downwards spiral escalate benefits no-one. This place needs getting in order, IMHO, and not doing so would benefit no-one at all in the end.


                      • #71
                        Actually I wasn't being sarcastic,
                        I like reading all sorts of posts, this is the general section, if the posts are not interesting to people they slide down and fall from the bottom of the screen.
                        Interesting ones stay up.
                        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Koi View Post
                          Will try to research this more, last time we tried was a couple of months ago so will revisit it.
                          Cheers. It would definitely be a boon to have a usable search function.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by MattF View Post
                            Cheers. It would definitely be a boon to have a usable search function.
                            Cant disagree with that, but the search function has been the same since I joined 5 years ago and its funcionality was never the cause for major outbreaks of vitriol. Its only become an issue because people want it to be. So what if someone asks a question thats been asked a million times before? Someone will answer it, even if its the red button one. I honestly can see the harm. I think thats part of the charm of this place and although I can live with it, it does sadden me a little to see newish members being hectored about the search button.

                            Сви можемо


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                              Cant disagree with that, but the search function has been the same since I joined 5 years ago and its funcionality was never the cause for major outbreaks of vitriol. Its only become an issue because people want it to be. So what if someone asks a question thats been asked a million times before? Someone will answer it, even if its the red button one. I honestly can see the harm. I think thats part of the charm of this place and although I can live with it, it does sadden me a little to see newish members being hectored about the search button.

                              very well put
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                                its funcionality was never the cause for major outbreaks of vitriol.
                                It's sod all to do with that. It's just a bugger trying to point anyone to existing threads because the function is so crap. I don't even bother suggesting that people use the search function any more. I can rarely find anything even when I know exactly what I'm looking for. A working search on a techsite is a must.

