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Bit of a Shock

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  • Bit of a Shock

    So took the dog out for her morning sojourn today (07:00) in the pouring rain.
    Cos of the weather, I went around next doors house (holiday home, and I'm key holder) to check all was ok.
    They just had the place re-wired and tidied up outside with gravel paths etc.
    Anyway, dog was ferriting around on the new gravel path and I stepped on the (metal) manhole cover.....BIG blue flash, dog jumped about 2 foot off the ground and ran home, tail between her legs....
    I was wearing rubber sole shoes and didnt feel a thing, but I suspect their electrician's crossed over a couple of wires!!
    What have I told you about thinking Erroll

  • #2
    Blimey! Hope the dog is alright?!

    I would either get the electicity turned off at the mains, or get someone round or both in case that starts a fire elsewhere!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      Dog seems fine.
      Came across this years ago when works alarm wouldnt set....buzzing noise on the phone line....
      Electrician found live current on our earth cable, even when disconnected from the consumer unit, so was picking up current from the ground!!
      Outcome of that was a recent rewire on a farmhouse 200yards away...earth and neutral wires crossed over in con unit putting 240 into the ground, which in wet weather eventually reached our petrol forecourt .....
      What have I told you about thinking Erroll


      • #4
        Ah the joys of high impedance grounds eh? You must have low conductivity subsoil...

        I have 3 earth spikes on our house for similar reasons. Ring main was inducing low levels of current into the pipework round the house so whenever I used the outside tap in bare feet, I got a tingle. I put in a new earth spike by the kitchen, one at my workshop, and replaced the one at the electricity meter. Sorted.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Set up a video camera quick, and wait for postmen etc.
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #6
            Maybe its a new style anti Pikey Device.

