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Oi Bibs

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  • #16
    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
    Pot kettle black !!
    Originally posted by logey79 View Post
    i want logeygen back!!

    actually, not now its been gingerised. but i want that original pic back tho. 1st pic taken of my 1st surf!
    Very nice it is too

    I am lost with this game
    How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


    • #17
      Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
      I want cheryl cole and Jordan to get diwn to sone lady love before inviting me to join in...
      Bllody hell you are lonely in Oban
      How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bibs View Post
        Bllody hell you are lonely in Oban
        who the feck is oban?
        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


        • #19
          Originally posted by logey79 View Post
          who the feck is oban?
          ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


          • #20
            Originally posted by logey79 View Post
            who the feck is oban?
            GWH is up in bonny scotland (Oban) on his own on his phone
            How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


            • #21
              Originally posted by BioHazard View Post
              oh, a where!!! i thought oban was the name of his new boyfriend!
              i swear, it was like that when i got here...


              • #22
                Originally posted by logey79 View Post
                weed tub dark?

                this a new word association game or what mate?

                I believe that the intended message was:

                'ark at pot calling kettle grimy arse !

                Life is too important to take seriously !


                • #23
                  Originally posted by logey79 View Post
                  oh, a where!!! i thought oban was the name of his new boyfriend!
                  Well that killed conversation didn't it
                  How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                    I want cheryl cole and Jordan to get down to some lady love before inviting me to join in...
                    jordan god you must be lonely mate .dog of the jungle


                    • #25
                      and last night it had the cheek to say she couldn't put a kangaroos knacker in her mouth ha just about everything else has been in there


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by logey79 View Post
                        where's my feckin avatar pic gone!!!!!! dont think i got the old surf pics anymore, new computer.

                        oh shiot....i'm gonna have to....gulp....ask matt for something!

                        if i shout will he come to the rescue?

                        I'll dig something out for you.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bibs View Post
                          Well that killed conversation didn't it
                          Originally posted by logey79 View Post
                          oh, a where!!! i thought oban was the name of his new boyfriend!
                          After the mental image
                          of you , my love , in size twelve slingbacks and a frock..... Nothing will suffice now. I'm in Oban on my phone, sad, lonely, collating data for a meeting tomorrow... But it's only the thought that matt now has the logey gen that keeps me going...
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                            But it's only the thought that matt now has the logey gen that keeps me going...
                            why be so cruel!!!
                            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by logey79 View Post
                              why be so cruel!!!
                              Life sucks
                              ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                              • #30
                                yeah it does.
                                i swear, it was like that when i got here...

