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Bl00dy carpark drivers

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  • Bl00dy carpark drivers

    God don't it just p1ss you off when people cant park in a carpark.
    Mandy has just been in touch and said that a woman in a silver focus has hit the celica twice,once on the front and once on the rear both on the drivers side.There are 2 nice dents that i know of at the moment.Her car was parked in her works carpark lunchtime and the focus was caught on cctv.1 problem with the cctv was that it couldn't make out the reg no. of the focus.A patient went to reception and let them know and they let mandy know.The thing is that as this witness is a patient Mandy cannot use any info as its in breach of patient cinfidentiality.The insurance have been informed and the police also who will be keeping a eye out for the silver focus but we ain't holding our breath as we can't do anything as it was on private property
    Last edited by stormforce; 16 November 2009, 16:37.

  • #2
    You sure she hasn't activated the cloaking device recently?


    • #3
      i think she has lol.problem is we haven't got the £250 to pay the excess.At least the car is still driveable till we can afford to get it done


      • #4
        Probably Polish
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Surely the police can speak to the patient, they are witness to a crime after all?
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            i suppose but as it happened on private property and there are signs up aswell there's not alot they can do by it


            • #7
              Originally posted by stormforce View Post
              i suppose but as it happened on private property and there are signs up aswell there's not alot they can do by it
              Are you sure?
              Supermarket car parks are private property, I'm sure you can't just go round bashing into cars!
              (I know lots of women do tho')
              Sent from the iPad you "lost"


              • #8
                I am almost certain that as its on private property then it will be a civil matter and at the moment we can't afford it and take the chance that the woman will pay up


                • #9
                  If the patient volerteered the information without duress and you have her details there are no issues regarding patient confidenciallity, she was purly a witness to an incident (she could have been passing/visiting or an employee)
                  I think I am right that even off the highway an accident has to be reported if details cannot be exchanged. You have a witness, you have damage, I think you will find that the police are obliged to get you the insurers of the offending vehicle. Do you have legal cover, if so pass the whole lot over to them as your car is insured - your insurance doesnt lapse because the car was off the roadway. I think you may even have a case against the hospital under 'duty of care' if the missus works there! CAB might be able to advise you
                  Good luck
                  Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                  • #10
                    My parents brand new mazda 3 has already been the victim of car park stupidity down the local tescos recently. Whoever the moron was that parked next to them, she....oops i mean he or she must have turned too sharply going out & connected with the driver side corner of the mazda revealing a nice little group of pale scratches on the front bumper. No note of apology...nothing!
                    On another occasion in the same place, a hapless female driver reversed into me on a oneway road which accesses the car park.
                    She was driving a little fiesta & it didnt even scratch the front of my surf but there was a bit of a dent on her bumper! She was very apologetic so i didnt kick up much of a fuss, just advised her to use that shiny plastic thing that displays a mirror image of whats behind you.


                    • #11
                      Haha, My job entails working in Supermarkets, I only drive a piece of cr4p or a rental when at work. My colleagues all drive nice new cars, then they moan when they are in the bodyshop every couple of months,
                      That's why they should rename the 'parent with child' spaces to: 'I'm a cr4p driver' space
                      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                      • #12
                        My wife purposely parks in the far corner of car parks so she isn't near anyone else and when you come back there is nearly always a car parked next to hers. We were in Ironbridge the other week at the Victorian museum and sure enough we parked the furthest from the entrance and when we came back someone had hit the car and then must have moved.
                        Last edited by Hi-sider; 16 November 2009, 22:40.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                          Haha, My job entails working in Supermarkets, I only drive a piece of cr4p or a rental when at work. My colleagues all drive nice new cars, then they moan when they are in the bodyshop every couple of months,
                          That's why they should rename the 'parent with child' spaces to: 'I'm a cr4p driver' space
                          Do they actually have new cars in Serbia?.....only joking!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fonecrusher1 View Post
                            Do they actually have new cars in Serbia?.....only joking!

                            Yeah, but no Supermarkets!!!!
                            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                            • #15
                              My missus didn't need a carpark, she did damage to her own celica by reversing into a combo van parked at the end of a drive.
                              We had only had the celica a week and it was mint for its age.
                              Worst of all it was my combo van at the end of our drive she hit.......

                              Heard a story about parking out the way in an empty carpark only to get an old man pull up next to them and cus he was too close rolled down the window and asked them to move so he could get out of his car.
                              Remember arrows are silent.....................
                              Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......

