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It's from the BBC so it must be right .....

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  • It's from the BBC so it must be right .....

    Have a look at this

    Life is too important to take seriously !

  • #2
    haha I have a big dog and a Land Cruiser.....

    can you imagine the impact....
    time to get a second truck in the family.....
    One day at the time I guess..


    • #3
      Just to keep on this weekends theme.

      1.1 gha for a dog & 9.5 gha for the average American? Suggest we start with the Americans!

      Honestly though. The people who actually put any thought into writing this drivel are either having a laugh or seriously need to get a life.


      • #4
        lmao...start with the Americans...

        2 big dogs and a greedy Surf here ,also I drive an (Audi) average 1000 miles a week and fly to ireland every other week. i did one of them carbon footprint things and it told me i live as if we had 6 or 7 planets to support us instead of the one.

        i guess i could jack my job in and sponge off the government in the name of saving the planet


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          Just to keep on this weekends theme.

          Honestly though. The people who actually put any thought into writing this drivel are either having a laugh or seriously need to get a life.
          Unfortunately its the second one. They all belong to TAA Totaly Anal Anoracks
          I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


          • #6
            Originally posted by Brummie View Post
            Unfortunately its the second one. They all belong to TAA Totaly Anal Anoracks
            I think you may be right. This snippet:

            Let’s be clear—I’m not claiming that we should ignore the environmental impact of dogs. That’s one of reasons that I, personally, am reluctant to own one!
            is from an article geared towards debunking that S.U.V/dog thing.


            He won't have a dog due, in part, to the environmental impact. Bet he never had that thought regarding bairns when he was knocking the missus up. What a sad tw@t.


            • #7
              interesting link.
              I have a 5litre V10 as my main car
              Just put a bid in for a 3 litre hilux
              have an Alsatian, a cat, 3 turkeys, 10 chickens and 3 rabbits

              I think there is a speciall place reserved for me in hell...


              • #8
                Oh well looks like i'll be going hell aswell, 4 kids 2 rottweilers, a gas guzzling surf, and a fish tank where i'm throwing on average 170 litres of water away a fortnight because of the filter gear i use before doing a water change, then theres 500w of lighting above it plus pumps etc, my carbon footprint must be huge, oh well


                • #9

                  First time an ecomentalist has inferred that I'm green

                  I dont have a dog, and actively despise cats. Sooo, owning a 3.0 Surf, I'm greener than the eco-warrior type hippies with knitted hair I see in my local with a couple of mangey mutts. I might even upgrade to a 'cruiser 4.2 as I'm STILL greener!
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    I could be in a spot of bother............. but not that much so it must be time to get an LC wooooo hoooooooo

