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would anybody be interested in a set of these?

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  • would anybody be interested in a set of these?

    would anybody be interested in a set of these rubber/nylon compound snow chains?
    they are non damaging on all surfaces includind tarmac and block paving so they wont damage your driveway or the roads.
    they are VERY strong and very long lasting.
    will have more details later. just wanted to get a feel of peoples response first.
    ive been asked by am american retailer if i would like to distribute their chains as their UK's sole supplier.
    they are available in many various sizes and fit a number of veichle types from cars, trucks and argricultural veichles.
    let me know if any of you are SERIOUS about buying a set.
    a set which will fit a 31/12.5/15 tyre will cost around £125?
    prices to be confirmed later.
    all feedback welcome guys.

    EDIT: pics might help! lol

    Last edited by goodcat; 8 November 2009, 19:50.

  • #2


    • #3
      lol. i havent been on here in a while so im not upto date with current threads.


      • #4
        Would'nt have thought many would want them cos we don't get that much snow over here, maybe people north of the boarder would be interested.

        Look sturdy enough though.
        If its not broke don't fix it.


        • #5
          hi im well up for them would they be any good for Croisiere Blanche im going with a few mates in jan and still no chains to go with???33 12.5 r15s
          Not going to rest till its broke


          • #6
            Originally posted by si tate View Post
            Would'nt have thought many would want them cos we don't get that much snow over here, maybe people north of the boarder would be interested.

            Look sturdy enough though.
            yeah your probably right.
            was thinking i may start selling them on ebay. not sure yet.
            i wouldve given anything for them last winter though! the snow was a joke!


            • #7
              Originally posted by si tate View Post
              Would'nt have thought many would want them cos we don't get that much snow over here, maybe people north of the boarder would be interested.
              Or Wales??

              p.s. I don't need any, if there's lots of snow on the ground, I don't go out, simples.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 123-gtt View Post
                hi im well up for them would they be any good for Croisiere Blanche im going with a few mates in jan and still no chains to go with???33 12.5 r15s
                hello mate. i will need a minimum of 4 definate orders before i can convince the retailer to ship them over to the UK.
                so unless i get the 4 orders i wont be placing an order myself so unless people show interest then i wont be getting them for you in time?
                and i couldnt tell you about Crosiere Blanche as i dont know what/where or who that is!? lol


                • #9
                  If your going into deep snow you will require a set of all metal cross braced chains. If your going to exert an extreme lateral force on the tyre,and your going to, the extra diagonal bracing will keep the chain wrapped to the sidewall. I would heavily reccomend pewag chains(do a google) which require you to fit, drive 100 metres or so and retighten. I fitted chains to wagons and coaches, in the alpine countries many times. There were many sorts available, and the complete metal structures were the only ones that survived the extreme forces. You have to seriously consider the damage a chain WILL do if it comes loose. Fabric/ rubber/nylon chains are ok, but will not survive extreme tyre deformation, there general use being to get you out of a situation and back onto terra firma. Metal chains are a must for heavy usage, such as going offroad.
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                    If your going into deep snow you will require a set of all metal cross braced chains. If your going to exert an extreme lateral force on the tyre,and your going to, the extra diagonal bracing will keep the chain wrapped to the sidewall. I would heavily reccomend pewag chains(do a google) which require you to fit, drive 100 metres or so and retighten. I fitted chains to wagons and coaches, in the alpine countries many times. There were many sorts available, and the complete metal structures were the only ones that survived the extreme forces. You have to seriously consider the damage a chain WILL do if it comes loose. Fabric/ rubber/nylon chains are ok, but will not survive extreme tyre deformation, there general use being to get you out of a situation and back onto terra firma. Metal chains are a must for heavy usage, such as going offroad.
                    point taken.
                    however i wasnt advertising these as off-roading chains. they are mainly for farming and domestic road use.
                    arent metal snow chains illegal on Uk roads?? i thought they were?
                    with these chains you need to deflate the tyre a bit and then fix. re-inflate then test drive. and tighten accordingly.

                    and the snow the uk gets is quite different to the alpine countries dont you think? lol
                    these chains will survive plenty of winters here in the UK. (so im assured )

                    EDIT: ill put you down for 3 then shall i mate? lol


                    • #11
                      Err...no metal chains ate not illegal.nylon chains are no good for serious offroading( he is going on the croissiere blanche)
                      and again no...snow is snow.. It's the sane the world over...especially in the ALPINE region of france where he wants to use them... Just so you know..lol

                      Edit: and if you ever need to deflate a tyre to chain it, you have the wrong size chain
                      Last edited by gwh200; 8 November 2009, 22:10.
                      Non intercooled nothing.


                      • #12
                        prefer using me 4wd and having some fun.

                        IMHO those things look flimsy bits of rubber across a wheel, might be ok for tractors that crawl along but I reckon any spin of the wheels in a 4x4 will see them ripped apart, just my opinion
                        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                        My 4x4
                        My choice
                        Back off


                        • #13
                          well i guess thats that then lol
                          they seemed to be one of the best types of chains in the states so i thought they might be ok.
                          oh well. was just a thought.

