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Any ideas? - been to view car

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  • Any ideas? - been to view car

    Bear with me and remembering that I am a terminal feckwit when it comes to cars
    Went to look at an almera for my dad today. All looked ok for the age and mileage only concerns were when started the exhaust dribbled a thin stream of black fluid. Dipped my finger in, it wasn't oil so I presume water? When revved hard stream carried on and on first big rev spat a cloud of very fine vapour.#

    Also on start up it would die unless you kept the revs up but when started would run and idle fine. Guy wittered something about an immobiliser?? #

    I assume neither of these are great and intend to walk away but thought I would ask in case my lack of knowledge is making me see small problems as big ones?
    Only ask as it's a great price (which from a London second hand lot makes me suspicious in the first place.#

    Answers very much appreciated#

  • #2
    [QUOTE=biosurf;593013]Bear with me and remembering that I am a terminal feckwit when it comes to cars
    Went to look at an almera for my dad today. All looked ok for the age and mileage only concerns were when started the exhaust dribbled a thin stream of black fluid. Dipped my finger in, it wasn't oil so I presume water? When revved hard stream carried on and on first big rev spat a cloud of very fine vapour.#

    Thats just condensation mixed with soot in the exhaust, perfectly normal, as is the vapour until the engine is at operating temperature.

    Also on start up it would die unless you kept the revs up but when started would run and idle fine. Guy wittered something about an immobiliser?? #

    Could be the ISCV needs cleaning, no big problem, even you could do it!

    I assume neither of these are great and intend to walk away but thought I would ask in case my lack of knowledge is making me see small problems as big ones?
    Only ask as it's a great price (which from a London second hand lot makes me suspicious in the first place.#

    Yep, full of Arthur Daleys that place!

    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 31 October 2009, 19:08.


    • #3
      Thanks Vince. Appreciate it.

