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I may seem stupid but.......

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  • I may seem stupid but.......

    We have just put a deposit down for an 'M' reg SSR-X 3.0TD, can't wait to get it and have read some of your views. Can anyone tell me what a 3rd generation is, cos i've never heard of it before until I joined this site and is mine one???????

  • #2
    Originally posted by Shaz8
    We have just put a deposit down for an 'M' reg SSR-X 3.0TD, can't wait to get it and have read some of your views. Can anyone tell me what a 3rd generation is, cos i've never heard of it before until I joined this site and is mine one???????
    Hi, and welcome to the mad world of surfing.
    The 3rd gen is just an updated version of the 2nd gen. It has a different shaped body, centre diff, rear tailgate lifts up rather than drops down, and probably more. I'm sure some one else will fill you in on the bits I've missed.
    I'm a custard donut monster


    • #3
      Thanks Jon, think mine must be second gen (tailgate drops), at least now I know a little bit more. Still got loads to learn though, sure this site will be able to answer more of my uncertainties.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shaz8
        Thanks Jon, think mine must be second gen (tailgate drops), at least now I know a little bit more. Still got loads to learn though, sure this site will be able to answer more of my uncertainties.

        If you need to know any thing do a search you should find the answer to most things on here. If you can't find what you are looking for just ask and no doubt some one will be able to help.
        I'm a custard donut monster


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shaz8
          Thanks Jon, think mine must be second gen (tailgate drops), at least now I know a little bit more. Still got loads to learn though, sure this site will be able to answer more of my uncertainties.
          Hey Shaz8 welcome to the mad world of Surfdom. Anyway, have you bought it from a dealer with a website? Maybe we can have a look at it if they show pics or did you take any photos for yourself? What ever you need to know, this is the site to be. Have fun, you wont stop grinning when you get it.


          • #6
            from left to right 1st Gen, 2nd Gen narrow, 2nd Gen Wide body, 3rd Gen
            Attached Files
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shaz8
              Thanks Jon, think mine must be second gen (tailgate drops), at least now I know a little bit more. Still got loads to learn though, sure this site will be able to answer more of my uncertainties.
              Welcome aboard!
              It's a 2nd gen,3rd gen has "up and over" tailgate,like an estate car.
              Powered by ????


              • #8
                Originally posted by Shaz8
                We have just put a deposit down for an 'M' reg SSR-X 3.0TD, can't wait to get it and have read some of your views. Can anyone tell me what a 3rd generation is, cos i've never heard of it before until I joined this site and is mine one???????

                M Reg is registered as 1995 [same as my beasty] and therefore will more than likely be 2nd Generation.


                • #9
                  3rd GEN SURF

                  HI here are some pics of a 3rd GEN SURF l bought for my wife.
                  Attached Files
                  Live Life To The Full

