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Anyone experience of....

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  • Anyone experience of....

    www.fourtrackcars.com ????????

    Hi all, great site.

    I've just discovered the wonderful world of the Surf having test driven a couple. It's made me feel like a kid all over again!!

    I'm looking to buy, preferably an RG, 2nd gen. I'll be using it for long trips to Europe, loaded up, off roading mostly on dry dirt tracks. So I need to know what it's like for long motorway cruising at 70-80 mph. Tiring? Sluggish? Noisy? Scary!?? (I know already I'll be burning tenners for fuel). But I reckon it'll be worth it if high speed cruising is ok. One's I've tested have all been on B-roads or in town. So I really need an honest assessment.

    The other question, found this site on the web this afternoon www.fourtrackcars.com anyone any experience of these guys and what do you reckon to their prices??

    I know it's going to take me a while to find the right Surf, and I want to get it right!


  • #2
    Originally posted by Torquest
    www.fourtrackcars.com ????????

    Hi all, great site.

    I've just discovered the wonderful world of the Surf having test driven a couple. It's made me feel like a kid all over again!!

    I'm looking to buy, preferably an RG, 2nd gen. I'll be using it for long trips to Europe, loaded up, off roading mostly on dry dirt tracks. So I need to know what it's like for long motorway cruising at 70-80 mph. Tiring? Sluggish? Noisy? Scary!?? (I know already I'll be burning tenners for fuel). But I reckon it'll be worth it if high speed cruising is ok. One's I've tested have all been on B-roads or in town. So I really need an honest assessment.

    The other question, found this site on the web this afternoon www.fourtrackcars.com anyone any experience of these guys and what do you reckon to their prices??

    I know it's going to take me a while to find the right Surf, and I want to get it right!

    Yep got mine from them. They were OK no real problems at all and seemed friendly and open.



    • #3
      I bought my Surf from Fourtracks in March, purely because it was by far the best one I looked at (and I looked at plenty!). From what I could see, all of his cars were better than average, and they are very easy to do business with.


      • #4

        hiya m8 ive got a 3ltr 3rd gen and they love motorways i do lots of motorway milesand cruise very quietly comfortably and very straight at 90 plus no probs at all so i would suggest a 3ltr for the motorway work all the time but there great
        black n tan
        black n tan
        yes i am a dobermann man


        • #5
          Hi There,

          I have the 3.0 which I can highly recommend and I run it everyday with 200 to 500kg of tools and materials in it all over the place.

          It is excellent on B roads and motorways cruising at 70 (85 ahem!) into London with no trouble fully loaded and is very quiet (Normal spoken conversation). It is also very comfortable allthough 5ft10 seems to be the limit for straight legs. It always uses the same amount of fuel laden and unladen (which I have never understood)
          Best vehicle I have ever owned and never ceases to amaze me.

          If life's an uphill struggle then downhill from now on can't be that bad?!


          • #6
            Hi, Having both the 3.0 & the 2.4 I would say for lots of longish journeys then the 3.0 is the way to go. It has that little bit extra ooompffff on the motorway. I am not saying the 2.4 is no good because I have driven mine to Sunderland and back & yorkshire on a couple of occasions and it sits at normal speeds (and some) very comfortably. Anyting over and I wouldn't saying your thrashing it but you know your doing the speed, in the 3.0 like all bigger engines it does it more effortlessly. So if you have a tendency to put your foot down then the 3.0 is for you, if your quite happy to run at normal sppeds then either will suffice.
            Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

            My 4x4
            My choice
            Back off


            • #7
              Many thanks for the replies. Now all I've got to do is find the right one.

              If anyone else has experience of www.fourtrackcars.com it would be greatly appreciated.

              Tragic and Lucky, how open to negotiation were they on price if you don't mind me asking?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Torquest
                Many thanks for the replies. Now all I've got to do is find the right one.

                If anyone else has experience of www.fourtrackcars.com it would be greatly appreciated.

                Tragic and Lucky, how open to negotiation were they on price if you don't mind me asking?
                Can't say I negotiated much, he didn't have any prices showing at the time so I offered what I thought it was worth having looked around at a few and kept my eye on the market for a while. I was happy but I could probably have got the price down a fair bit actually from what I paid.


