www.fourtrackcars.com ????????
Hi all, great site.
I've just discovered the wonderful world of the Surf having test driven a couple. It's made me feel like a kid all over again!!
I'm looking to buy, preferably an RG, 2nd gen. I'll be using it for long trips to Europe, loaded up, off roading mostly on dry dirt tracks. So I need to know what it's like for long motorway cruising at 70-80 mph. Tiring? Sluggish? Noisy? Scary!?? (I know already I'll be burning tenners for fuel). But I reckon it'll be worth it if high speed cruising is ok. One's I've tested have all been on B-roads or in town. So I really need an honest assessment.
The other question, found this site on the web this afternoon www.fourtrackcars.com anyone any experience of these guys and what do you reckon to their prices??
I know it's going to take me a while to find the right Surf, and I want to get it right!
Hi all, great site.
I've just discovered the wonderful world of the Surf having test driven a couple. It's made me feel like a kid all over again!!
I'm looking to buy, preferably an RG, 2nd gen. I'll be using it for long trips to Europe, loaded up, off roading mostly on dry dirt tracks. So I need to know what it's like for long motorway cruising at 70-80 mph. Tiring? Sluggish? Noisy? Scary!?? (I know already I'll be burning tenners for fuel). But I reckon it'll be worth it if high speed cruising is ok. One's I've tested have all been on B-roads or in town. So I really need an honest assessment.
The other question, found this site on the web this afternoon www.fourtrackcars.com anyone any experience of these guys and what do you reckon to their prices??
I know it's going to take me a while to find the right Surf, and I want to get it right!