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More traditions wiped out by our 'Nannies'

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  • More traditions wiped out by our 'Nannies'


  • #2
    That is just the start, there will be more and more silly rules appearing all the time, it seems like the Goverment have nothing better to do than try to control every aspect of our lifes, if the law would work and actually prevent these things happening, then i am all for it, but you only have to look at the women who took all those pictures while working at a nursery, she was vetted, and passed a police check, it seems they think by bringing out more and more rules they can stop it, sadly, this is wrong, there will always be sick and twisted people, no matter how many laws and regulations you pass.


    • #3
      Well as a plumber (and I think popeye will bear me out on this) would say, the easiest way to spring a leak is to make the umbing more complicated... The "rules" didn't stop that women in the nursery...
      Non intercooled nothing.


      • #4
        Brings us back to "rules are only as good as those enforceing them" argument,
        rules and regulations aint stopped cowboy plumbers, builders and peado's smoothing in there, yup the more complicated it is the easier it is to go wrong!!
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          C,mon chaps you all know better, stop letting emotion blind you.

          You all know very well that all of these regulations are only there to stop one thing, and that is to stop blame being apportioned.

          Сви можемо


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bogus View Post
            C,mon chaps you all know better, stop letting emotion blind you.

            You all know very well that all of these regulations are only there to stop one thing, and that is to stop blame being apportioned.


            we live in a "pass the buck" society
            私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


            • #7
              Easy to reason n implement stupid things like these, Cos they ain't got the Balls to tackle the real Issues ....
              Pass the Buck don't give a Fcuk overpaid attitude the morons, it's gotta

              There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n ya never know when tho !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8
                slopey shoulders are getting that low we will all be wearing shoulder pads on our belts soon
                Is it me being synical or has Gordon with the dodgy eye now got a reason to resign....when he gets his @rse kicked
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one

