Originally posted by PDR
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You can really feel the love for the 2.4 here

It’s the 3.0L’s round my way that have done there heads in. If you have the up rated head on the 2.4 and keep it looked after it can be a good reliable friend I say! 25k I’ve done on mine and it isn’t that slow and gives me around 24mpg. Roughly the same as any other 2.4/5 in its class I guess. The only hassles I have had with it have been the ones I’ve caused…
If I was to buy another surf I would buy the 3.0L but I am happy with the size of my tool. My wife’s rover 414 would still out run the 3.0L

Guess it depends what you need form your transport. If I had a V8 in mine I’d still not drive any faster in a truck the size of surf, I’d be too busy listening to it to drive it I reckon.
Slow is a series Land Rover 2¼ Diesel
