I am going to work next week 
I like everything to be sorted before I go, all the vehicles are in good order, house, garden, sorted as much as poss.
Man came to read the water meter today and told me I've used about 4 months water in one month.
I shut off the lines into the house and the meter is still spinning. That means I have a leak between the meter and the house.
Because of the frost table, all pipes are 6' underground
There goes my restful week, time to get the shovels out.

I like everything to be sorted before I go, all the vehicles are in good order, house, garden, sorted as much as poss.
Man came to read the water meter today and told me I've used about 4 months water in one month.

I shut off the lines into the house and the meter is still spinning. That means I have a leak between the meter and the house.
Because of the frost table, all pipes are 6' underground

There goes my restful week, time to get the shovels out.