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just been made redundant for the 3rd time in this dump!

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  • just been made redundant for the 3rd time in this dump!

    I'm 19 and have already desided I hate this country! Just lost my 3rd job in this recesion and this one was the only one I loved. What a load of tosh, spose the tray back will be puit on hold for abit

  • #2
    Originally posted by reecers View Post
    I'm 19 and have already desided I hate this country! Just lost my 3rd job in this recesion and this one was the only one I loved. What a load of tosh, spose the tray back will be puit on hold for abit
    Sorry to hear that mate, hope something comes along soon, it's bad though, 3 times already, that sucks, chin up.


    • #3
      That's shoite mate, but hang on in there !! ya got a tray back to finish .....

      There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n ya won't know when tho !!!!
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        sorry to hear man, but something will come along and you'll be ok.....



        • #5
          hi mate hope you find something soon .all the best . steve


          • #6
            At least there are jobs to chase down there, my local JC has posted only half a dozen vacancies in as many months, the local rag has only call centres and care work, my mate, a brickie, has been mowing the grass at the stadium of shite for the past six months, even maccy dees have no vacancies, so we're all in the same boat, I've had lots of cancellations as folk reschedule weddings so its hitting everyone, bar the f***ers who caused it. H


            • #7
              Welcome to the bored few .......i'm fed up queueng next to the chavs though going innit and boverd ..........there are jobs about but they don't pay like the ones we had
              ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


              • #8
                Only fools and horses ****
                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #9
                  Jobs involving food and funerals are the safe bet.


                  • #10
                    Unlucky mate, I feel for you. I've lost 2 jobs this year as well. First one we had gauranteed (apparently) work till October with loads more jobs coming in then just before Christmas we lost a huge contract and everyone thought Oh crap but the bosses said they weren't bothered cause they had loads on so cracked on, then in February we were told out of the blue that overtime was stopped immediately. The next day we were told that we had Lost 3 huge contracts in 2 days and that half the firm was to go by the end of March. Winner.

                    The best part about it was, it was the banks who pulled funding from the firms we were subbing to. Are these *ankers thick, with them doing this all over the country how the hell is the economy going to kick start. PR***S.

                    Rant over, You're lucky being only 19 and probably still living with your parents with little to no out goings.

                    Word of advice, join the Forces I'm going back in the Marines after 4 years out as soon as I get a date and I can't wait.

                    Hope it works out for you and all those others who have lost jobs recently.

                    Up the revoltion!


                    Like me Murphy's... I'm not bitter


                    • #11
                      Oooo that a bit shite mate, sorry to hear that.

                      What you doin' with your truck?

                      Lol sorry couldn't resist
                      How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bibs View Post
                        Oooo that a bit shite mate, sorry to hear that.

                        What you doin' with your truck?

                        Lol sorry couldn't resist
                        Not selling it to you
                        Too old to care, young enough to remember


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                          Not selling it to you
                          Tut - well it was worth a try eh
                          How can I be lost when I've got no where to go

