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Not Fit For Purpose

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  • Not Fit For Purpose

    Another mini rant i'm afraid but just had to voice my anger at the benifiets service, without going into too much detail the problems started when my missis reached 60, she'd phoned em many times over the three months before hand to make sure they knew and were prepaired and as you can guess they f##ked it up, we dropped over £200 a month after her birthday and dispite many calls i could get no proper explantion, different person every time and shunted from dept to dept, finally had enough and went to the CAB a couple of weeks ago and the woman there could'nt understand wtf they were doing so referred us to the CAB legal services, saw then yesterday and right away she could see where they'd buggered it up and is starting to sort it out for us, thank f##k for the CAB,
    i know the benifiets system is complicated but it's their job!! if they cant do it sack em as would happen in the private sector, like the CSA or whatever and all the other agencys they aint fit for purpose, they dont know or dont care what effect/worry they inflict by just stopping payments,
    their just as incompetant in paying out money they should'nt have too, mate of mine had a hell of a job trying to tell them his mum had gone into hospital and they needed to stop her payments (as your supposed to do) and when the penny finally dropped they stopped everthing!! now she out and he's haveing as much trouble getting her payments reinstated again,
    i know this is probably the best country in the world if your ill or old but they do take some getting through to, after all we never planned to end up on benefiets but we have,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    i,ve just done a spell on the dole, still waiting for my first payment..............to55ers



    • #3
      atleat your finally sorted mate,can they get it back dated?


      • #4
        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
        i know the benifiets system is complicated but it's their job!! if they cant do it sack em as would happen in the private sector
        With you on that sentiment. I spent the best part of 5 years fighting the Glasgow City Council over some council tax (only a few hundred quid), since they lost the paperwork for the case 3 times, lost student exemption applications, lost the recording of a phone call they previously refered to and so on.


        • #5
          Really feel for you mate I battled the CSA Wa***rs for years just because I earned good money they robbed me blind £150.00 a week for my two girls ! even though they lived with me most of the time and never wanted for nothing. Stopped paying three years ago ! Now starting to live again..

          Around Norfolk if you are a Lith, Pol, Russian, Ukranian, Latvian. Etc, They will buy you a car, find you a job, and a laptop to search for one!!! WTF is going on with this Country ???????????

          You know I work for Mars Wrigley and over the past few weeks have been seriosly considering moving to one of our Australian sites ! I am feed up with these shell suited To**ers ruining our Great Country.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Webbo View Post
            Really feel for you mate I battled the CSA Wa***rs for years just because I earned good money they robbed me blind £150.00 a week for my two girls ! even though they lived with me most of the time and never wanted for nothing. Stopped paying three years ago ! Now starting to live again..

            Around Norfolk if you are a Lith, Pol, Russian, Ukranian, Latvian. Etc, They will buy you a car, find you a job, and a laptop to search for one!!! WTF is going on with this Country ???????????

            You know I work for Mars Wrigley and over the past few weeks have been seriosly considering moving to one of our Australian sites ! I am feed up with these shell suited To**ers ruining our Great Country.
            aye! the CSA!!! my mate (the one i mentiond above actually) his son got /is getting hammerd by them, The girl he got hooked up with unknown to him was as they say "free with her favors" told him she had a cist on her wotname and could'nt fall but did fall pretty dam quick, took off and uses the child (girl, which he adores) as a weapon against him, paying full CSA and expects him to drop everything including work when she wants to go clubbing etc, she's now got her hooks in another poor sod who left his pregnant wife for her and made this one pregnant as well!! so he'll prob have two lots of CSA to fork out, stupid sod, the saying regarding women that their sitting on a gold mine was never true'r especiall when the CSA have the shovel (no offence ment btw to the lady members on here)
            i'm all for fathers being made to support their kids (i supported four) but they seem to hammer the ones willing to do the right thing who seem to be paying for the bstds that do a runner. glad you all square now tho Dave,
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Hi Ian, glad you got tha C A B involved, they can move things pretty quickly when legal is mentioned, will not say anymore about benifits people, as do not want to hijack your thread with my long running disputes with the simpletons who answer phones and sit behind there desks. Good Luck mate, hows the books going, let me know if you want some more.


              • #8
                Originally posted by greecysurf View Post
                Hi Ian, glad you got tha C A B involved, they can move things pretty quickly when legal is mentioned, will not say anymore about benifits people, as do not want to hijack your thread with my long running disputes with the simpletons who answer phones and sit behind there desks. Good Luck mate, hows the books going, let me know if you want some more.
                CAB are really good, it seems everyone one speaks to whos delt with any benifiet agency has complaint, they must get more than British Gas
                governments (all of em) always promise to update the agencys but sodall ever happens, a few top people get moved about but it's the same one's lower down wether it's cons or lab in power,

                enjoying the books mate, just started gorky park, midway through rebus (Ian Rankin) they started showing rebus on telly (itv) and started watching it but it's cr@p, bugger all like the book and nowhere near as good, why cant they stick to the same plot as the book? always the same
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                  CAB are really good, it seems everyone one speaks to whos delt with any benifiet agency has complaint, they must get more than British Gas
                  governments (all of em) always promise to update the agencys but sodall ever happens, a few top people get moved about but it's the same one's lower down wether it's cons or lab in power,

                  enjoying the books mate, just started gorky park, midway through rebus (Ian Rankin) they started showing rebus on telly (itv) and started watching it but it's cr@p, bugger all like the book and nowhere near as good, why cant they stick to the same plot as the book? always the same
                  You sound similer to me, read the book, then watch the fim or series, and wonder how they cocked it up so much. Like the Bourne Identity and others,
                  nothing like the books, makes you wonder sometimes, if these people actually read.


                  • #10
                    TOP TIP

                    If theres a book and a film and youre aware of it, always see the film first. That way you can enjoy both.

                    Dont forget that the scriptwriters are condensing a book , that in the case of the Rebus series for example, will not only have lots of pages but also various sub plots. They have to turn all this into a 2hr film or a one hour ( including 58 minutes of adverts for oil of Olay, Dove Soap and some Meerkats) TV show.
                    Half the plot and peripheral characters vanish, all of the little subplots vanish, and if youve read the book first, you know it and hate it.
                    Watch the movie first and youll likely enjoy it. Then go get the book and really enjoy it.

                    Happy reading and viewing. ( PS. Ken Stott makes a better Rebus than whatshisname, the thin one )
                    PPS, If you like Ian Rankins Rebus books, look out for Stuart McBride who is like Aberdeens Ian Rankin.

                    Last edited by Bogus; 29 September 2009, 20:33.
                    Сви можемо


                    • #11
                      Cheer's for the tip Alex, i'll look out for Mcbrids books,
                      yes your quite right, watch the film first and it's not so dissapointing, i know they have to condense the story to fit a one or two hour slot but in the case of rebus some of the main charictors are different as well, it's been cut and altered so much that it totally spoiles the story, if i were rankin i'd be doin me nut, to adapt a book for tv you need at least a two hour slot or serialize it,

                      John Hanna (the thin one)
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

