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rear end droop

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  • rear end droop

    i carry a lot of gear in the back of my surf, and its sat in there every day, most of it comes out at night time and weekends but it doesn't seem raise much afterwards and when i put the trailer on its on its arse.........

    I guess new shockers and springs are on the cards, i would like it to look normal ride height when the gear is in but i don't want it to look like the arse is in the air when its empty........

    would the answer be heavy duty springs and shocks and some of those coil things to wrap around the springs to stop bottoming out........

    or are there any other suggestions

    this is with the gear in it actually looks worse in person.....

  • #2
    hi if i was you i would buy uprated springs from milners or roughtrax it would solve the saggy a55 problem in no time
    I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


    • #3
      New springs alone will sort it. If you want something with a bit more strength, Milner's do a standard height uprated spring.


      • #4
        LC springs! You can get them from Milners, and look for a decent set of new shocks too...

        Is that your TR-7? Nice motor!
        Too old to care, young enough to remember


        • #5
          cheers guy's thought as much.... what about those wrap around coil things or would be an over kill
          and yes mudsurfer the TR7 is mine some more pics were posted here:


          • #6
            Originally posted by garry View Post
            what about those wrap around coil things or would be an over kill
            Not needed.

