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Stereo clicking blar blar blar

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  • Stereo clicking blar blar blar

    Had an intermitant problem with my new fangled tv/stereo/gps doobree doo, kept cutting out and would have a clicking sound which sounded like it came from a relay to do with the aerial. Did lots of hunting with the multi meter expecting it to be one of my connections that were dodgy, turned out (as i almost half expected) to be the earth, difference being though it wasn't my connection as i thought but the plug that goes into the stereo itself (comes with the unit). Was an easy thing to cure but i just wonder how many people out there (not just talking surf owners here) have bought a stereo of the internet had it go wrong and sent it back when in actuall fact it just cheap plugs that go in the back.

  • #2
    Cheers I've had the same problem with my stereo, it's just a normal head unit but with Ipod connectivity. Every so often it cuts out with the relay clicking sound it only rarely happens so I've not got round to fixing it. Thanks to your post I now know it's an easy find and fix. Cheers again. Mine's a sony and came from Halfrauds.


    • #3
      If it does turn out to be the same problem on yours you may find that where the wires go into the plug they are packed so tightly together you may not be able to get hold of the negative wire with your fingers to push it back so have a pair of needle nose pliers, forceps or tweezers ect to hand so you can, oh and a bit of superglue or the like to pop on it so the little bugger doesn't come back out when you put the plug back in the stereo.


      • #4
        yeah I snapped the little clips that hold the connecters in the block so I cut them all off and connected everything with a mini junction strip and insulated it. cheers tho'.

