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  • @Evildrawf

    Hi mate, sorry missed the post on the other thread, not quite a crinkly but getting there, feel like it most days though,

  • #2
    I know the feeling but thats no excuse, at least you can lay in the sun like a lizard and soak up the sun, in someone else's pool
    I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by evildwarf View Post
      I know the feeling but thats no excuse, at least you can lay in the sun like a lizard and soak up the sun, in someone else's pool
      Chance would be a fine thing, trouble is here it gets so hot during the day, its only the tourists that stay out in it, bit hard to use the pool when they are in it,, do get some nice sights though, and some horrible ones,
      July and August are jammed here, september it starts to cool slightly, and October we breath a sigh of relief, then its repair all the damage done in the summer, plus renovation, pool rebuilds, and the worst part, chasing people to pay there invoices. By then its nice in the day about 18 to 21degrees in december, but cool in the evenings, goes down to about 11 to twelve. Plus we have emptied all the pools, so jump in pool = sore head.

