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BFG Long Trail T/As, opinions?

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  • BFG Long Trail T/As, opinions?

    My gen 2 has the above boots on, but on the slightest warm road the backs squeal like a pig with a sharp thing up it's chuff... Winding through the multi-storey today they were squeaking on every bend.

    Anyone had these before? They've got decent tread and aren't all that old by the looks of 'em (but the truck is new to me).
    Doesn't fill me with confidence for winter and wet slimey roads...

  • #2
    does it do it on the road aswell as the multi-story?


    • #3
      Everybody gets multistory squeal.
      If its not broke don't fix it.


      • #4
        It does road squeal a bit, first time I noticed it was a roundabout, one where you go almost straight on with just a bit of an "S". Was surprised it woke up the piggy....
        The multi-storey was almost constant squeal but mebbe that's normal.
        Suspension feels about OK, sits OK, but then it's my first Surf and just got it, so really can't be sure if it's right or wrong.


        • #5
          its just normal mate, even cars do it !! just the tyres slipping a little


          • #6
            the surfs are notorious for tyre squeel. i think its because they have a fairly narrow wheel base and a tallish body.
            i used to get it all the time with my road tyres on. still do a bit now with my muds on.
            its normal mate.


            • #7
              Originally posted by goodcat View Post
              its because they have a fairly narrow wheel base and a tallish body.
              Why does that make the tyres squeal?
              Sent from the iPad you "lost"


              • #8
                its just my guess.
                im guessing that because the surfs are fairly narrow for a 4x4, combined with the height of them and the rigidness of their bodys, this cause tyre squeel more easily when cornering.


                • #9
                  If it's normal for a Surf, that's OK cheers all. Wonder if it's something to do with the rear diff. Dunno. We use this particular car park lots and never get squeal normally, but that thing with the gentle roundabout bringing a squeal made me wonder if the tyres were any cop. Will just see how it goes, still getting used to the beastie..


                  • #10
                    Is your 4wd engaged?
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #11
                      my old 2.4 used to do that all the time but i put that down to having an lsd in the rear axle.
                      3 gen only does it when provoked
                      Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                      • #12
                        No mate, 2wd.


                        • #13
                          The original tyres on mine used to be cows for doing that. The muds I have on the rears hardly ever do it though.


                          • #14
                            That's good to know, ta.


                            • #15
                              Just to come back to this, the tyres are definitely s**t. Now the weather's gone colder they squealed the other night on the same mild roundabout, taken in restrained way etc.
                              Also wheelspin on a slightly damp road yesterday.

                              T/A? Total Ar*se ...

                              They must go before winter. Feck nose what they'd be like trying to stop in a hurry on a motorway or the like. Them's scary.

