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Repel a cat - the forums wisedom

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  • #16
    What about one of these.


    Not this one though, bit expensive but you get the idea.


    • #17
      a dog


      • #18
        you want the cat be gone or cat be gone gone......could try amonnia spray spray cat be gone..can get it in chemists and spray round the car area etc....or Might try 2 soup spoons of antifreeze in a tin of cat food and mix well and leave on front car trye or on car for cat to be gone gone!.. they are atracted by the food and the sweet smell.sorry wife hates cats..used to get all over her explorer and mess up the paintwork..... guess why we have 2 german shepherds.. no smaller animals.... got nothing aginst cats but they can be a pain in the arse............i know all animals are the same but hey .................... well they arent really if you know know what i mean ohh poo probaly get crucified for this post
        The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


        • #19
          Originally posted by wiggy View Post
          ohh poo probaly get crucified for this post
          for trying to feed your german shepherds ?
          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #20
            you can get some cat repellent stuff that people put on their gardens, put some in a little bowl under the car should do the trick. They are fairly water proof as well so shouldlast a while, it'll soon learn not to come near it though. It's like little green crystal, you can get it from places like Pets at Home.


            • #21
              Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
              Yup! that'll keep the cat off it, wot is that? (and how much/where from)
              not sure mate. the only guy who knows is trapped in that car trying to figure a way to get out!


              • #22
                Air rifle is the best permenant remedy. The resulting remains make a very good slow release fertiliser buried under a rose bush
                I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Brummie View Post
                  Air rifle is the best permenant remedy. The resulting remains make a very good slow release fertiliser buried under a rose bush
                  But that would be gratuitous killing?
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #24
                    Not realy there would be no waste as it would be put to use as fertiliser.
                    I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Brummie View Post
                      Not realy there would be no waste as it would be put to use as fertiliser.
                      So it would be OK for me to use the last sentient thing to damage Giggle's car as fertiliser?
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #26
                        Is that a hole I see some one digging for my foot?
                        If not I appologise . But if the sentient is a thing yes or if a being a good leathering should suffice.
                        If Giggles is anything like my boss it will make no difference what action you take you'll be wrong. 36 years of experience tell me this.
                        Last edited by Brummie; 13 September 2009, 00:37.
                        I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


                        • #27
                          I prefer cats to kids, much less hassle!
                          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                          • #28
                            No arguements from me! They are a damn sight cheaper as well.
                            I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Brummie View Post
                              No arguements from me! They are a damn sight cheaper as well.
                              I paid £600 a month for 15 years to allow my ex to bring up a ned. My 5 cats only cost me £10 a week. I could fix a scratched beemer every month and still be better off with the cats!
                              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                              • #30
                                Oh! you're a cat person then ?
                                I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money

