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  • Maturity

    Hijacking again!!!

    When was the last time you did anything childish. We went to Jon's niece's birthday today and I just had to have a go at skipping, riding a 6 year old's bike and the ultimate, a fast slide ( see pic). So go on admit it when was yours?!??

    Attached Files
    I'm a custard donut monster

  • #2
    Originally posted by jotto
    Hijacking again!!!

    When was the last time you did anything childish. We went to Jon's niece's birthday today and I just had to have a go at skipping, riding a 6 year old's bike and the ultimate, a fast slide ( see pic). So go on admit it when was yours?!??


    Last weekend at the stables....they had arranged a barby and a paddling pool in the outside arena. Buckets of water and Super Soakers everywhere!


    • #3
      I kept pulling the kids legs every time they asked what I want for Christmas, Birthdays etc. I would say, " A pair of size 8 roller blades would be nice but failing that a workmate, electric screwdriver or something........"

      Xmas before last I rattled a pressy. Thinks, "MMMMMM router? Too heavy for smellies. Maybe a power plane?"
      No, It was my size 8 roller blades. So Christmas Day I roller blade to my daughters house, to the delight of the Grandchildren, wearing a Santa hat and reindeer earmuffs. Mrs K was totally emabarassed. I don't know why.......I was only 44 at the time!
      They are great fun on tarmac too especially if you are being pulled along by a 3M power kite. BTW. I am 5'6" tall and weigh, ahem, 14.5 Stones. At least I'll bounce if I take a spill .

      Being silly is part of growing up. I hope I never do!
      It's only a hobby!


      • #4
        I regularly act like a complete idiot, mostly after a good few beers, and last summer (after a good few beers) decided to have a go on a kids bouncy castle and in my state of alcohol induced euphoria (?) thought I could do a backflip, well I came so close to breaking my neck when I landed on it that it really scared me, apart from really hurting me too, so theres the moral, dont do backflips when your a drunk overweight old git!

        ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


        • #5
          Originally posted by jotto
          Hijacking again!!!

          When was the last time you did anything childish. We went to Jon's niece's birthday today and I just had to have a go at skipping, riding a 6 year old's bike and the ultimate, a fast slide ( see pic). So go on admit it when was yours?!??

          Is that pic of the 'fast slide' ?? cause it looks really high to me

          Ummm yesterday I was playing in the mud.
          Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

          My 4x4
          My choice
          Back off

