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Why did you lot get a Surf then?

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  • Why did you lot get a Surf then?

    Just curious like but I started off on the Surf just on the basis of the way it looks and presence on the road. It wasn't untill I started to compare it to other 4x4's in more detail that I found it was the best one of it's type for me, secretly it was still probably the looks that swayed it and the rest was an added bonus.
    Just wondered whether for you it was a decision from the heart or something more complex and reason based?

    Here's a pic of the surf that first set me off on this route.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Needed something with a reasonable load space, (replacing a Transit, but didn't need all that height), and to be able to get four people in. Surf had enough room and looks damned sexy. That was my whole reasoning initially.

    Love them to bits even more now that I have 'em though. They are just such a pleasure. Put the work in to get them back upto condition, mechanically, and they'll reward you tenfold.
    Last edited by MattF; 2 September 2009, 12:34.


    • #3
      i just saw mine and loved it
      it was going to be my second car and i knew it
      i asked about it a few times
      it was a mate of mine that was driving it in rotherham and at that time i had seen no others like it
      but it was for sale in bradford on a forecourt for £11995 witch was what they were going for 6-7 years ago
      so my mate who was driving it sorted me a deal out with the owner
      i got it for £5500 to cover his cost's its got privert plates too
      i was just buzzing still am
      love mi surf to bits

      its an old pic
      this is mi most recent pic

      ohh yea i did this to her too not that every one agreed
      Last edited by JUDWAK; 2 September 2009, 12:58.
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        Originally posted by MattF View Post
        Needed something with a reasonable load space, (replacing a Transit, but didn't need all that height), and to be able to get four people in. Surf had enough room and looks damned sexy. That was my whole reasoning initially.

        Love them to bits even more now that I have 'em though. They are just such a pleasure. Put the work in to get them back upto condition, mechanically, and they'll reward you tenfold.
        Know what you mean, the more I drive it the more I like it and it's great to have a vehicle that I can do bits to and get my hands dirty (so to speak) with again. Would love to do some off roading again but want to make sure she's all up to scratch first.


        • #5
          JUDWAK, that looks great fun.


          • #6
            Me I always liked the look of them, driving by local garage in the old LJ70 Lancruiser there she sat someone traded it in for a Discovery Bet he's regreted it ever since. Me I've never looked back does all I need it to and more


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shalershasker View Post
              JUDWAK, that looks great fun.
              it is
              mi surfs dead atm
              but its all in hand just saving up yet again
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                I'd just got back from holiday in Scotland (600 miles away) and the van I was driving was french and not designed for normal sized persons (I could press all three pedals at once if I didn't turn my foot sideways, the steering wheel was to close, the seat to low etc.etc.etc). Saw an advert in the paper by a dealer who'd just started importing them (there wasn't many around then). Drove in saw a nice shinny car with enougth space for all the dogs, able to tow the camper, and not turn me into a paperclip, oh and it was shinny. Dealer told me it would do 32mpg, haggled well so I got it for £5875 (which was a good price then).

                Strangly I've never hit that 32mpg, and the dealer one night vanished owing all the local businesses money. But I've no regrets really (although I should have got a 3litre), but then I know alot more now than I did then, thanks to this forum. Which I came across a bit late in the day.
                Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                • #9
                  I'd always fancied a 4x4 but could never find an excuse that would wash with swmbo then my son needed a car so I let him have mine and blagged her that getting a 4x4 was cheaper than getting a big estate.
                  To be honest the Surf was the best value for money. It wasn't the make it was the size of the load area and the goodies that decided me. Then all I had to do was find a good one at a price I could get past the boss. Much tramping around the country later I found what I had been looking for.
                  I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


                  • #10
                    Got mine to tow & launch speedboat (which I then lost in my divorce) and to play in the local green lanes.
                    My other cars a QUAD
                    (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                    • #11
                      I bought mine in panic. Was at an auction in Perth looking at 2 Landrover Defenders, both went for way over my budget. The Surf was the last 4x4 in the sale, so I bought it. Glad I set my budget where I did, otherwise I'd have a Defender instead of my Surf
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #12
                        We ended up getting the surf as we needed something bigger than the Vectra that i had originally (to fit baby / dog and could afford) and the missus was used to fancy ford explorers (Eddie bower one i think 5l petrol if i remember right) anyhow seen a surf that we liked (knew more about tractors than 4x4's and buying cars lol) and same thing happed to us as it did for maverick, the guy b*ggered off to Spain the next day (lots of folk looking for him) but it never seemed to run right (2.4) and was eventually diagnosed (after 4 years of runs from Dorset to the islands) that it had the bottom half of a pickup engine in it with the top bit of a 2.4 with the crank sensor rigged of the power steering pulley.... saying that we both loved it and the 3.0 we got next has got us over here and is running great (well needs a bit of tlc but is doing better that most folks new cars/trucks!) i just like that its easy enough to work on, parts are relatively cheap (just got a quote for the works transit over here for a new rear view mirror........ 90 euro's!!) and that its good a good ish balance on and off road. I can cram the 2 dogs and kids in with a little bit of space left over!! All good and to be honest i would not buy new again............ well maybe!!............ and have to say i wouldn't have been able to do half the work on the truck without the folk on here answering my daft questions!!
                        P.s would without question have a Surf again if the need arose.
                        The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                        • #13
                          I bought mine in 2003 after my Transit got T-boned! (Chav in a Cavalier)

                          Initially I was after a big estate car as I didn't need/want another van, but I saw a very nice,burgundy/silver Nissan Patrol one day and thought........Hmm, thats just like a huge estate car but with loads of ground clearance and 4 wheel drive too which I could come in handy for when it snows up here and we could go wild camping too!
                          So I looked at a couple and nearly bought one I measured the width of one and compared to the Surf, they are collosal and a struggle to get on my drive. (The one I wanted anyway)
                          On the way home I passed a Jap 4x4 importer near me and saw a load of, which I didn't know about at the time, Surfs. Had a look at a few and a couple of weeks later, bought one privately. (2.4 with new head already fitted)
                          Now I've got two and to be honest, the 3rd gen is an absolute pleasure to drive, I find myself automatically grabbing the keys to it rather than Lexurf.
                          If you never driven a 3rd gen you don't know what you're missing, especially the quiet, smooth petrol versions.

                          Oh, and unlike most of you lot, I researched the (honest) mpg's and parts availability for Surfs before buying one!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                            Oh, and unlike most of you lot, I researched the (honest) mpg's and parts availability for Surfs before buying one!
                            The vast majority of my research came from this forum only really decided to join it when I had confirmed in my head I was getting one and by that point I had virtually all the answers I was after without asking one single question, but as said earlier the answers to the research was an added bonus I just like the Surf for it's looks, how it performs and what it provides and must say it's a very enjoyable vehicle to drive, the missus likes it too which is always a bonus.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                              Oh, and unlike most of you lot, I researched the (honest) mpg's and parts availability for Surfs before buying one!
                              No one like a smart alick.

                              In my defence at the time of purchase this site didn't show up on any search engine. So there. ner ner de ner ner.
                              Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

