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Interesting Reading

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  • Interesting Reading

    M25 Cameras - New Information
    Hi everyone, although many of us may not use these particular motorways very often it is worth keeping this in mind!


    Please circulate in order that the risk of obtaining a fine and points is minimized

    *Be warned and be careful! *

    *M25 and the M11 will be equipped with Point to Point speed devices from August 1st 2009*

    Once you enter the M11 for instance, you pass a camera that takes a photo of your car and registration number and records the exact time, upon exit another camera takes a photo o f your car and registration number, and records the exact time you leave the motorway.
    The Cameras are set at fixed points. With both the start time and finish time, a computer is able calculate the time it has taken for you to travel between the two fixed points, and works out your average speed and how many miles you may have traveled over the national speed limit and If you have completed the clocked journey too fast you are given a speeding ticket.
    At the present time the national speed limit for motorways is 70 M.P.H. For every minute that you drive over the speed limit you will incur a fine of £30, and one point on your license. The fines will be issued automatically but the MOT will be allowing a variance of 10% for 3 months, which gives a top speed of 77mph until the end of October 2009
    The MOT will at a later date add cameras at all exit points along the motorways. Remember that now with the new legislation, fighting speed camera fines is almost impossible. You must
    Prove the device is faulty and if you are not a technician working
    on them, you have no chance of beating the fine.
    *You Have Been Warned *

    Take it steady out there !!!!

    There's always a Payback ....Don't know where n ya won't know when !!!!
    Buncefield Burner

  • #2
    Big brother state in the makeing, wont be long before we are forced to fit data chips in all cars so they can tell what speeds we've been doing and fine us accordingly, where we been etc etc, next a chip implant in US,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      So, according to my calculations, if you are a rep and travelled say 4 hours a day on the motorway and you're doing 80mph you would clock up a fine of £1,200 (10mph over the limit for 4 hours = 40 minutes x £30 per minute).

      Then if you were unaware of the system and you continued to do the same speed for the same amount of hours for 5 days the total fine for the week would be £6,000! You would also accrue 200 points on your licience which would obviously mean banned for life!

      Let me take an uneducated guess of 100,000 people a week doing exactly what I have estimated above and that would give a total of £600,000,000 in fines and 100, 000 motorists banned.

      Let me just add, that before anyone comes in with all guns blazing, all my figures are pure speculation, it's just my take on a possible scenario. Please feel free to pull it to bits (as no doubt some of you are dying to do).

      Oh, the point of my long drawn out post is that I think it's bullsh!t (no disrespect Jess, I just can't see how it would be enforcable).
      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


      • #4
        personally i welcome the idea. this is what they do in france and its a great system as far as road saftey goes and keeping traffic moving. if more people are driving at the correct speed then that means less idiots who are speeding wont be slamming on their breaks when they come to the next car in front adding to the "domino effect" and causing jams. obviously not the only cause of the domino effect but still a contributor none the less.

        as for the way the MOT have chosen to punish people, its just dispicable!
        this is not what the French do and they have it perfect. (admitidly they dont have the ammount of traffic we do but still...)
        £30 PER MINUTE!!!! FCUK OFF!!
        1 point PER MINUTE!!!! FCUK OFF!!

        thats a crime in its own right!?

        ive been dreaming for the day they install avergae speed cameras up all over the motorways. not only for saftey and less accidents but mainly for better flow of traffic, and in turn, quicker and less stressfull journeys.

        but when the likes of the MOT provide this better system and then take it too far to a point where it only seems like they are doing it for MONEY, its hard to remain happy and welcoming about it. afterall there are a lot of innocent drivers out there who will get stung by this. good honest people who may not have realised that for a while they had crept over the speed limit by up to 7-10mph.

        which is why i feel that ONLY a fine would be sufficient. like in France.
        its the point on your license that really takes the pi$$. its just that little bit too much that cant help you feel like your a criminal when your not.
        but again, the fine they are suggesting is way too much.
        i mean come on! even if i only crept over the limit for JUST 1 minute, then thats going to make for an expensive journey with an extra £30 to pay ontop of my deisel!!

        i wouldnt mind so much if i knew that this new found wealth the MOT are about to earn would be given to the government and pumped back into Britains ecconomy. but that will never happen. im sure some twit will agree that the billions of revenue it will generate is "better" off in the hands of the MOT and that our road need it more than our economy.


        • #5
          I think it's spot on, stop idiots speeding = good idea.

          yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


          • #6

            if you dont want fine/ ban
            keep your eye on your speed

            its like people who complain about cctv. dont do anything illegal and no problem
            私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


            • #7
              im not saying im against it. far from. i cant wait for it as im 5 mins from JCT 8 M25 and i use the M25 often.
              was just saying its typicall of the greedy buggars to take it too far.

              so are these cameras up and running as from now then?


              • #8
                i've sussed it out.

                start point and stop point are fixed points.
                to get from one to the other the time it must not fall below (i.e. you must not be faster than) is the resulting integer of the distance between these points devided by 70 (or 77 until the end of october 2009)

                so lets say the distance is 200 miles. the time it must fall below to get from point A to point B is 2.6 hours.

                so the time it should never be quicker than is 2.6 hours (or 2 hours 36 minutes)

                so, i work out that if you plan a "little chef" break (or nap break) into your journey, then you could happily toddle along at 110mph with a whole 48 minutes of free time to do whatever you wanted.
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9
                  The ones we have up here are only a few miles apart.
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                    The ones we have up here are only a few miles apart.

                    Like the ones they have at roadworks. average speed cameras.

                    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                    • #11
                      Do you want people looking at the road, or watching their speedos? (and I don't mean swimming trunks).
                      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Maverick View Post
                        Do you want people looking at the road, or watching their speedos? (and I don't mean swimming trunks).
                        one eye on the mirrors, one eye on the speedos, and all ears on sat-nav (the missus reading a map)
                        Oh Nana, what's my name?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                          so, i work out that if you plan a "little chef" break (or nap break) into your journey, then you could happily toddle along at 110mph with a whole 48 minutes of free time to do whatever you wanted.
                          this is what we did in France and worked fine.
                          however that was a one off road trip and was a bit of fun making the most of an empty French motorway

                          to do this everytime you got on the motorway in the UK would just be pointless. you wouldnt be getting to where you had to go any quicker. all you would be doing is increasing the risk of an accident AND chance of getting caught by a mobile police camera.
                          i know you werent being serious but i just thought id say it anyway


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Maverick View Post
                            Do you want people looking at the road, or watching their speedos? (and I don't mean swimming trunks).

                            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                              O how times have changed, could this possible be the same fella I saw 5 feet from my rear bumper as I passed 145 leptons ph.

