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I know,overheating AGAIN!!!

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  • I know,overheating AGAIN!!!

    Hi guys,new member and new owner of 2.4diesel surf with a (maybe major)problem.
    picked up my new surf yesterday,sat in traffic for 10mins and no problems,then 20 miles later temp gauge shot up.stopped and opened bonnet,top hose solid,and bubbling coming from expansion tank and steam from pipe when took out.left to cool then to nearest garage for water.undid rad cap slighty to release presure then filled expan tank which was nearly empty!!
    started driving and for next couple o miles temp gauge up and down then settled in the middle,only going up when i put my foot down,for rest of journy(about120 miles),got home and temp gauge went nearly in red but no steam or bubbling.today went to work(about 12 miles)and back home no probs with gauge in the middle,no hissing bubbling or steam??
    does this mean it is the start of a major,and expensive,overheating problem like the ones i've read about,or could it just be neglect from previous owner not keeping levels topped up and allowing air into the system?
    i know a bit long winded but wanted as much info as poss,all help appreciated