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safe braking distance?

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  • safe braking distance?

    Hello All, how can i put this ,we all know that surfs are not built for speed but it seems when ever I'm driving my Surf I always end up with some a%£ hole tail gaiting me,is it because they have entered into my comfort zone or am i imaging this?
    have any of you experienced this ?

  • #2
    i get this around here a lot
    dudes pulling out on me
    tail gateing is silly
    to be 100% honest i slam on mi brakes (not reconmended)
    i dont drive fast i never do over the limet (in mi surf)
    and ya do suffer from the odd dick end that wants to bully ya
    well i bully back
    i never bully first
    but i take it bad when some jump up freaks trys cutting me up tail gateing
    yes fully know what ya mean mate
    its probly the same in most place's
    i have had stuff thrown at mi car too
    and abuse from tree hugggers
    fek knows why?
    in fact it was yesterday that all 3 4x4 out side got scratched to death
    key scratch's all over the sides
    why ?
    its proberly a personal thing towards me not my cars or 4x4
    its me they want to up set?
    by scratching mi cars hehe
    anyone knows how it is offroading scratch's are just one of them things
    Last edited by JUDWAK; 18 August 2009, 09:18.
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      Originally posted by shokenore View Post
      Hello All, how can i put this ,we all know that surfs are not built for speed but it seems when ever I'm driving my Surf I always end up with some a%£ hole tail gaiting me,is it because they have entered into my comfort zone or am i imaging this?
      have any of you experienced this ?
      you should be here in cornwall tourist season apart from tailgating you get them pulling out on you or thinking they bigger than you on the narrow roads but yes ive noticed alot of other cars tailgating me n im not one of the fastest surf drivers but it does get annoying after a bit ive been tempted many times to just slam on the brakes n say a fox or something crossed in front of me, but it always seems to happen when family in truck but the A30 can be a right pain with themtailgating when will people ever learn its not nice to kiss a 4x4 or even lorry's


      • #4
        I had one last weekend. I turned out of the village at the traffic lights onto the A41 and kept in the right hand lane as I wanted to fill up with petrol at the garage 100 yards further up the road (my V6 petrol Surf is not slow)... I had some guy tailgating me and going mad because I was in his way, flashing his lights and giving me various hand gestures.... I wouldn’t have minded but he was driving a crappy Skoda
        Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


        • #5
          Do you ever see the guy coming up the dual carriageway behind you driving like a cock and then deliberatly
          pull along side the lorry in the left lane and slow to its speed to annoy the twit behind some more.... i do....
          If some one tail gates don't slam ya brakes on just drive slower till they back off that really annoys them.....
          and if they do the pull in front and slam the brakes on just gas it and make sure you hit them square on
          and claim they didi it to claim the insurance...... lot of that been happening lately...
          Remember arrows are silent.....................
          Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


          • #6
            so its not just me then, it never seems to happen when i'm in the missus's car (astra),never really realised how much people hate 4x4's,
            i want a sticker for the rear bumper " I brake for idiots " or similar !


            • #7
              I dunno. Since I got my Surf at the weekend people seem to just get out of the way!

              In respect of the tailgating - I just slow down because in the event of an emergency stop being required it gives you that little bit of extra time to react, hopefully resulting in no accident. And quite frankly, some twerp in a Vauxhall Corsa (or whatever) is generally going to end up on the losing side in an impact battle with a Surf... as much as Darwin would explain that it's all for the good of the human race I'd rather not have that on my conscience.

              And maybe failing that there is always this...


              • #8
                I think you are all delusional and probably a bit paranoid.

                Сви можемо


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                  I think you are all delusional and probably a bit paranoid.

                  this may well be true ,this explains why i feel more worried when drivng in a 2 ton truck than in a tweeny hatchback!
                  your probably thinking stupid sassenach,which also may be true , as much as i like the idea i dont think the armoured pick up would pass the mot?
                  i think i'll take the nice soft wheel off the rear carrier and leave some re-bar there instead?


                  • #10
                    area and attitude are the biggest factor me thinks
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #11
                      A brief stint of hazards followed by a quick, sharp brake are a good technique - hazards let them know you're not happy, then suddenly they're a bit closer.

                      I do that in anything I'm driving when there's an idiot up my ass. The 'gaters are normally one of two groups - young drivers in tiny corsas/fiestas/106s with spoiler and body kit, or middle aged too-posh-to-push mums driving range rovers/X5s/Q8s cos they think it makes them and their darling safer on the school run (never mind, you know, learning to drive well). In other words, generally awful drivers.


                      • #12
                        I think it's an anti 4x4 thing. I never noticed it as much before. I get some a*** holes so close to my spare wheel somedays that I can't see their headlights in the dark!

                        My other pet hate is when they park so close, their bonnet is underneath my spare wheel. Has no one seen my big chrome plated parking sensors...They make an unusual beep, more a crunch than the normal beep.


                        • #13
                          To be honest I never really noticed that many. No more than when I drive any other vehicle I suppose. I'm always tempted to stamp on the brakes but some inner voice tells me there might be young kids in the car behind.

                          I do the slow down method, it really annoys tailgaters. Sometimes after they overtake and then reach a junction I pull up very close to them, you can normally see them bricking it as you inch closer. Only trouble is one of these days I'm going to push my luck and inch so close I hit the back of their car. C'est la vie!
                          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                          • #14
                            It p*sses me off when they tail gate you ...so I slow down and will often indicate as to parking on the left allowing them room to pass because the road is clear and they still sit behind you!!

                            I was tail gated real bad one evening that I tried the slowing hoping they would pass then did the speeding up thing after they stuck on my tail in the end I stopped the truck in the road so they could not pass and got ot to chat to the scroate....who then decided to slam it in reverse and disppear in the other direction?? oh well


                            • #15
                              i got mi car from an asian friend of mine
                              he forgot to tell his mates that he sold it to a white guy (me)
                              the next day (was 6 years ago) i was driving to work when i was (sweenyed)
                              blocked off by a few cars with angery asians asking me why i was driving there mates cars
                              i had to get the guy to phone his mates to call them off
                              dudes i shat miself
                              not thread related but just thought i share it with ya
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

