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Diesel prices

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  • Diesel prices

    What are you paying for your fuel? Its 102.9 at my local BP garage. I saw it at 107.9 yesterday in the cotswolds and 102.9 less than 20 miles down the road in Cheltenham.
    I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money

  • #2
    think it was just under the quid at asda yesterday, thats the standard stuff not the low sulphur stuff
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      Cheapest diesel in and around Newcastle is 99.99p a litre.
      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


      • #4
        Tesco in cheltenham was 99.9 last week then 101.9 at the weekend then 99.9 on monday???? either that or i was dreaming......
        Waitrose in cheltenham is normally the cheapest.... when i can be bothered to go at lunch cos its not on the way home.....
        Remember arrows are silent.....................
        Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


        • #5
          99.9 at ASDA in Essex.

          ...and the best thing....at my local garage it was cheaper than unleaded by a couple of pence.....


          • #6
            I understand that Asda is the only supermarket with a national fuel pricing structure. ie If it is 99.9p in John O'Groats it is 99.9p in Lands End. The remainder make up their prices according to what the other petrol stations are charging. Therefore if you have an Asda nearby then you usually have the cheapest fuel, although it is not necessarily at Asda. In practice, I find that whilst the other supermarkets within a mile of Asda will match their prices, none of them will undercut them. I always get my diesel at Tesco, near work as they give clubcard points and are the same price as Asda. If I get it from Tesco near home where I get my groceries, I would pay an extra 5p a litre.


            • #7
              Saw 108.9 today in the Wye Valley.

              I use http://www.petrolprices.com/ I get regualr emails with a list of the cheapest pumps near me.

              Rarely fill up at a civvy pump though, unless caught short.


              • #8
                93 cents a litre here, thats about 80 pence.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SoundsDigital View Post
                  I understand that Asda is the only supermarket with a national fuel pricing structure. ie If it is 99.9p in John O'Groats it is 99.9p in Lands End. The remainder make up their prices according to what the other petrol stations are charging. Therefore if you have an Asda nearby then you usually have the cheapest fuel, although it is not necessarily at Asda. In practice, I find that whilst the other supermarkets within a mile of Asda will match their prices, none of them will undercut them. I always get my diesel at Tesco, near work as they give clubcard points and are the same price as Asda. If I get it from Tesco near home where I get my groceries, I would pay an extra 5p a litre.
                  I wont use Asda on principle as SWMBO had her card cloned there a few years ago and my nearest Tesco garage is too far away to make it worthwhile going there. I just use the cheapest of the locals.

                  Originally posted by greecysurf View Post
                  93 cents a litre here, thats about 80 pence.
                  I suppose you are going to tell us you've got brilliant summer weather as well.
                  I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


                  • #10
                    I suppose you are going to tell us you've got brilliant summer weather as well.

                    well i wasn't, but if you insist, 42 here today, blue skys, lovely clear water, and this barsteward is sipping a G&T, ice and lemon of course.
                    and even better, me phone has not rung for at least 3 hours, for once the tourists are behaving.


                    • #11
                      AAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!! hate you
                      I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


                      • #12
                        £1.02 in Croydon
                        SWIFT AND BOLD


                        • #13
                          Hurrah...just found our local Bio-diesel place.

                          Open 06:00 - 18:00 and Bio is 85.6p per litre.


                          • #14
                            Not the garden centre in White Roding is it ?



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                              Not the garden centre in White Roding is it ?

                              No mate, just off the A12 at Galleywood.

                              I popped along there last night, but they were shut.......will try to get along tonight or tomorrow morning for a fill up.

