Found something under the car a couple of weeks ago and thought it might be (either that or a sensor for the airbags).
Whilst fitting the towbar yesterday (thanks for the write-up Bushwhacker) I traced the wiring to the little box and it ran to the rear light box.
Connected it to the rear reversing light.....and low and behold it was a disconnected external reversing bleeper... sounds terrible....probably hasn't been used in years and I think it is louder than the horn.
I disconnected it sounded like a 1980s car alarm going off.
I might re-wire it to a push switch so I have a rear horn though, just to get people out of the way.......
Whilst fitting the towbar yesterday (thanks for the write-up Bushwhacker) I traced the wiring to the little box and it ran to the rear light box.
Connected it to the rear reversing light.....and low and behold it was a disconnected external reversing bleeper... sounds terrible....probably hasn't been used in years and I think it is louder than the horn.
I disconnected it sounded like a 1980s car alarm going off.
I might re-wire it to a push switch so I have a rear horn though, just to get people out of the way.......
