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Oh, the shame of it!

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  • Oh, the shame of it!

    Yes - the shame of it!

    I guess it's time to come clean. My current set of wheels (well, on 4 wheels anyway) is a Rover 420 diesel.

    On the positive side - its always been fairly economical.

    On the negative side - it's always felt like it was built on a Friday afternoon! (Bits of trim falling off, etc)

    Today I noticed that (at a guess) the CV joint is starting to get noisy. I'm fed up of spending money on this blummin' car. The sooner I get myself a surf/4-runner the better!

    I've got my eye on a 3L 4-runner (manual gearbox) at the mo. It's priced up at just under £1300 but these things are usually negotiable! Looks a bit tatty (obviously for the price) but I'm not too worried about bits of surface bodywork corrosion. With a bit of elbow grease that can usually be dealt with.

    Plan at the moment is to head out to the dealers to give it a good once over next week sometime...

  • #2
    Right user name for a rusty 4 runner i'd go for a 3lt import if poss
    (prob get shite from 4 runner owners now)
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      as long as the engine area has been looked after i think thats the main thing.

      for example, you dont want to get one with a leaky RAD, or oil spilt all over the engine, or one that sounds strange. make sure the 4WD works, when i bought one i just asked if i could put it in 4WD LOW and in a straight line i STAMPED on the throttle. if 4wd didnt engage, with that much torque it would have made the back wheels squeel even on a dry road. make sure you dont turn any corners in 4wd on a dry road!

      little scuffs or things like that can be sorted with TLC and time IF YOU HAVE IT

      make sure all the tyres are GOOD.. i really dont understand when people buy a car and immediately need to replace tyres. remember its 3 points per dodgy tyre so dont even risk it.
      good luck!
      Oh Nana, what's my name?

